Not all Villain lose( MK&Caleb )

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"Okay, WHAT THE FUCK???" Nichelle glared at MK who only sat on her bed being cornered by the other girls. Priya got eliminated last round. MK rigged the votes. She's satisfied. "What?" MK asked raising a brow.

Axel glared at her too "you know "what" you imp" MK groaned "I don't know and do not want to know" she rolled herself on the bed uninterested. Emma looked at her with a frown "you rigged the votes. We know it's you" Emma spoke. MK shrugs "I don't know what you're talking about" MK sighed.

"Oh really? Julia, tell us what you found yesterday after Priya's elimination" Emma spoke smugly. MK froze "wait what?" She whispered "Jules?" MK looked into Julia's eyes hoping she won't betray her. Julia sighed "I'm sorry MK..." MK's face plummeted.



She wouldn't betray MK....


Julia took out Chase's phone that MK stole. "Yeah. We saw everything you did in this phone" Nichelle sighed "how could you do this M? Saving all our confessions to yourself?" Millie interfered. MK only could stare at the phone then at Julia with an hurt expression. Julia didn't dare look into her eyes.

"I'm leaving" MK went down from her bed and walked away. Axel went forward "Hey! You can't just-" "Calm down Axel. We just have to figure out how to make sure she's out" Emma spoke as she took a hold onto Axel's shoulder. Axel frowned and grunts. "Scary girl, please don't look at us like that" Millie spoke as she looked into Lauren's direction.


"You said you wanted to see me..." Caleb slowly approached MK who only sat next to the lake "what's wrong shortie? Julia ignored you again?" Caleb joked. However, no response came from MK. "MK? Hey, are you alright now?" Caleb asked as he sat next to her.

MK then simply leaned onto Caleb's shoulder "they found out" MK sighed. Caleb's eyes widened "what?" He looked at MK. MK bit her lip "Julia found out and told them everything" she stifle a sob. Caleb pat her shoulder "I might be eliminated next round..." MK groaned as she covers her face.

Caleb holds her even close next to him "girl! Don't say that! Did you forget?" Caleb asked which MK only raised a brow to. Caleb sighed "you do remembered that I gave you the immunity statue right?" Caleb asked again. This made MK's face lit up "Oh shit! You're right! Gosh, I'm an idiot!" MK laughed out.

Caleb smiled "your memory is as tall as your height" Caleb teased the girl. MK simply huffed "are you trying to make fun of my height? Cause I ain't falling for that shit" she spoke. "Though... it's just for the next elimination" MK sighed again. Caleb nods "don't worry, I'll make sure you won't get eliminated" Caleb shrugs.

MK raised a brow "what? You wanna rig the votes for me? That's sweet Cal but-" "what would you respond if I say yes?" Caleb asked. MK was not expecting the answer "Caleb. Fuck. No wonder we instantly clicked! We're not just "friends" we're PLATONIC soulmates!" MK jumps up and down excitedly.

Caleb laughs at the girl's excitement as he smiled "you've, already done so much" he pats the girl's head. MK chuckled as Caleb continues "you've changed my view on you" MK smiled "You've also changed my view on yours" she looked to the sky.

Caleb "boops" her on the nose as his smile softens "and in the end, if it's only me you saved" "there's something that I've been dying to say..." the two spoke in sync. "More than anything" Caleb chuckles "More than anything?" MK raised a brow but smiled anyway.

"Need you to know I cherish you more than anything..."

"More than anything"

The two laughed as they look at each other again. MK smirked "a new dawn for us" she spoke. Caleb nods "after all...not all villains lose" he snickered. The two are back in the game stronger and determined as ever. See if the other campers are able to fight them.


"What do you mean be safe!? Chris's challenge are all the opposite of safe!" Tyler shouts as he puts down his uno card and pouts. They all are choosing on who must be in the next challenge to disturb the kids. Whoever loses needs to be in the next challenge.

Tyler, being unlucky he is, lost. He groaned into his hand as he look at Owen "Owen's strong! Why can't he do it?" He points out. Izzy clung onto Owen and shook her head "nuh uh! Me and big O had done everything the last two challenges! It's your turn!" Izzy blew raspberry at him.

Noah nods "she got a point, all you did was help us set traps and shoot using a tomato gun that Chris gave you" he shrugs simply and got back to his book. Alejandro meanwhile swung a hand on his husband's shoulder as he fish for attention from Noah.

Tyler looked at Trent and Duncan with pleading eyes "uh, fuck you" Duncan rolled his eyes when Tyler's eyes went to him. Trent simply shook his head "sorry Ty, you're all alone" he chuckled. Tyler's frowned even deeper as he don't like the plan they did for him.

Alejandro pats Tyler's head "don't worry amigo! If something happens we will surely come to rescue" he smiled. Tyler sighed "if it's coming from you..." Alejandro nods "then I think I am surely dead" Tyler continued.

Alejandro's eyes widened "what? Do you not trust me dear Tyler?" Alejandro asked. Tyler frowned "trust you on World Tour and how did that ended me?" "Hey! At least Lindsay still loves you" Alejandro shrugs "Heather basically dumps me after All Stars" They all went silent.

Noah sighed "let's not argue and talk about the next challenge. How is 'Tyler' going to do this without getting hurt?" He asked. Trent shrugs " it's hard to think when the contestants are all very... aggressive...mind I say about the two girls...what were their names? Axel and Lauren right?" Trent looks at Duncan for confirmation.

Duncan shivered "ugh, Axel reminded me of Courtney...Lauren is just another Izzy but with an actual psycho appearance" Duncan points out to Izzy. Somehow, Owen looks offended "hey!" He frowns. Duncan rolled his eyes and look back at the others "don't forget too, your children are the villain in this show. You know how that ended with Al and stuff" Duncan points out to Noah and Trent.

Alejandro's eyes twitch at the nickname. He still hates it when people calls him "Al" disgustingly disturbed he covered it with a smile. A half smile. Duncan notices it "y'know? Knowing you for two seasons is quite easy for me to detect wether you're lying or not" he frowns.

Alejandro rolled his eyes at the punk "whatever, all we need to do is help Tyler. Anyone knows anything about the next challenge? Noah?" Alejandro turned his head to his husband. Noah nods "I do...but we need to talk about this. In the trailer" he points to the trailer and all of them went inside.

Gosh this needs a whole lot brain booster! I almost lost ideas! Oh well, that's all I have for now! Like the MKulia angst? Me too! Bye and see you all next time!

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