Teens disaster!(Flashbacks 1)

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Noah used to be very excited entering Uni. However, now he just hates it. "Well greetings mi amigo" Alejandro chuckled nervously. Noah didn't respond and walk off. Alejandro's face plummeted as he chased for the shorter male. "Noah!" He called out "look, I know I messed up and I'm sorry- mierda!"  Noah stopped his track and turned around to Alejandro struggling to get on his feet.

Alejandro couldn't move his legs. Great. Just FUCKING GREAT! exactly when he wants to apologize his legs became RUBBISH! He groaned frustrated. He kept trying to stand up before immediately being pulled up by...Noah!? They looked at each other eye to eye. Noah had a little smirk on his face "World Tour did a number on you huh?" He chuckled. Alejandro's face went red and started to stutter. The sudden switch of emotion coming from Noah really shocked him. Usually Noah would look at him with tired eyes and a frown. However, now Noah is laughing at him. Alejandro can't help but smile.

Noah didn't know why but he can't help but chuckle when Alejandro looked very desperate to stand up. He was supposed to hate the man, but he can't just let him lay there. Looking back at the tall male in front of him, Alejandro looked presentable than the last time they actually talk. Good for him. The two stared at each other in silence. Wait. What was Noah doing? He can't possibly- no. He was first to break eye contact "sorry, uhm, had to go, Bye Alejandro!" Noah ran leaving Alejandro wobbling and falling back to his feet and Alejandro cursed loudly in Spanish which made him chuckle again.


"I should'ev guessed that this would happened. I should've known it when I looked in his green hot eyes. Spewing all his red hot lies" Bridgette groaned into her hands. Leshawna and Bridgette are both beside her comforting the girls on her bed. Noah was doing nothing. He simply was just there for Drama. "Can you stop slurping your chocolate milkshake and help is than just sit there shrimp???" Leshawna asked clearly not liking that Noah didn't do anything despite offering to come into Bridge's room. What? Bridgette's room is warm as hell how could he not love to sit in here? He simply rolled his eyes "yea² I'll get some tissues" that was all he said before turning away to get some tissues.

*TW: mentioned of r4p3* (sorry)

Noah finally finished his class. He can't wait to sleep in his dorm. Maybe have a little call with Owen and Izzy. Eva might still be at the gym. Noah knew better than to disturb her. Unless you're as brave as both Owen and Izzy then sure, give her a call while she's training. Maybe for Izzy and Owen, she wouldn't dare hurt them. However, if you are someone like Noah *cough* random person *cough* she'll shoot you to the sky.

Noah hates flying so be it. So no calling Eva after class. He would rather hear Izzy's crazy rambling than flying with the birds. Especially crows. Eugh. Then falling into a pool of eels. Eughhh. Noah still got the scar from World Tour up on his left shoulder which still hurts a lot thank you for asking. Lucky him to be in the same class as Alejandro. Nice huh? uh...Fuck you. It's not. How do YOU feel when you got into the same class as the person that you literally called an eel when you were 18? You would be afraid that they would mauled you like a bear wouldn't you? Or spread vicious rumors about you! Noah didn't want that.

Noah sighed as he finally laid on his bed. He felt his phone vibrate and he quickly turned it on. He thought it would be Owen or Izzy but nOooOoOo. It was Duncan. "Yellow, Noah's talking who's this?" Noah joked "Oh you know who this is Sterecra" his voice breaking Noah froze. Was Duncan crying? Noah could hear sobs from the other side. That's worrying. "Hey Donuts, you okay?" Noah asked clearly not liking the sound. He could much more sobs "this is stupid" Duncan whispered. Noah frowns, Duncan barely cry unless it's fake, was Duncan okay? "Duncan?" Noah called out again.

Duncan didn't know why he called Noah. HECK! He didn't even know why he even tried to call anyone and pressed the call button.Well, sometimes getting knocked up by force could make you feel disgusting...oh what is he thinking? He had always been disgusting!
Duncan held his head low. He didn't wanna talk, but he already kept Noah waiting. Ugh! guess it's now or nothing "can you well...pick me up?" Spoke wiping his tears "sure, where are you?" Noah asked sounding worried. That high IQ bastard. Duncan didn't even knew where he was. He was just brought in a stranger's house after being drunk last night. Fuck, you dumb idiot Duncan. He hit his forehead.

"I- I don't know I-" "Duncan, were you at the apartment with DJ and Geoff last night? Or were you out at the club?" Noah cut Duncan off. Duncan didn't know what to say. He certainly couldn't lie, Noah had DJ's phone number for god's sake! "What happened to where I am?" Duncan asked avoiding the question. He could hear Noah shuffle "because Geoff called me this morning telling me about you not at the apartment since last night while he was asking me to his party" Noah answered. Duncan frowned 'if you already know why ask dipshit?' Duncan thought to himself as he glared at the sleeping man on the bed. Fuck it.

"Look, I was at the club got drunk and hook up what's the big deal?" Duncan asked "you're crying is the deal. Were YOU drunk or it was someone else?" Noah asked again. Shit. Dead end. He wants to disappear. Duncan didn't respond and end the call. He didn't want to talk to Noah anymore so he called Trent. Yeah. Trent wouldn't ask much. Surely...right?

"OH MY GOD DUNCAN! WHERE ARE YOU???? WE ARE ALL WORRIED" nope. Not even better. Duncan tried to stand up not wanting to wake up the sleeping strange man and took his clothes with him "I'll try to be at the apartment. Tell stupid Geoffrey to ask Harold about the tracker he and Leshawna fucking put in my phone" Duncan spoke rather harshly not wanting to show his pain in walking. Unfortunately that shuts Trent up thank goodness.

He didn't remember how he got here but in all honesty. He lied to Noah. He wasn't at the club last night. He was simply at the grocery store. He didn't want to call the uber so he walked on his own back to the apartment in which reminders, NEVER walk alone at night. That's fucking dangerous which also leads to him walking past a dark alley just to be dragged by a drunk man. He tried to fight back but that didn't work. He brought Duncan to his house and you know the rest that ended him up in a strange environment. He didn't want to talk about any of the night at all.

He tried to walk to the front door after finally dressed and technically struggle to walk. He then got a call from DJ. His best man. His best friend second before his parole officer John which is the first and Geoff is his third best friend. Duncan answered the call "hey, Devon" Duncan spoke rather plain. He could hear Geoff's singing with the sound of the radio in DJ's car. "ANYWAY YOU WANT ME BABY! THAT'S THE WAY YOU GOT ME! I'LL BE YOUUUUURSSS!!!" "GEOFF I'M ON A CALL WITH DUNCAN!" DJ called out to the blonde.

DJ got irritated by Geoff's singing. He knows that Geoff is also panicking and needs music to cope but singing a music that technically have the sound of a possessive or toxic relationship is not it. That's is not helping. Plus, DJ is in call with Duncan and Geoff's loud voice is not helping. Once Geoff stops DJ sighed and looked back at his phone "you alright Donuts?" DJ asked as he was trying to ficus on the road and Duncan's voice. Soon Duncan replied "I'm fine, ya'll gon' pick me up?" Duncan asked sounding tired which made DJ worried. Duncan is like a brother to him. A wing man that helped him and Katie together too. The man that always sew back his teddy when it got damaged. Of course it'll worry him if Duncan got missing.

"DON'T WORRY DONUTS! WE'LL COME TO GET YOU!!!" Geoff spoke rather loudly and crying. Man, Brody should really take care of his man. They heard Duncan chuckle "alright there Ken I get ya" "when we get back we want explanation" DJ spoke sternly "an honest one" DJ spoke again pressing the word "Honest" Duncan rolled his eyes but smiled anyway. "Alright crybaby, I'll tell you and Geoff the full story later. I think my legs are gonna fall any minute please drive faster" which DJ did. That's nice.

I LOST IDEAS AT THIS PART WAHHHH!!!! But I did say no angst right? Hehe. Sorry if it seems like a cliff hanger, I'll promise I'll continue! Just need to rest my brain. See you later!!!

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