'L' for?(MK&Caleb)

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They are still on the game. Now, now, if you known MK she's a little cheater so she would absolutely cheat in the next game. MK snickered as she turned on the phone that she stole from one of Chris's Confiscated Box, or what Chris would call it, CCB. Strange? It's Chris everything about him is strange. Especially the bad fashion taste. She swore she saw Caleb's eyes twitch everytime they touch the topic about Chris's fashion sense.

MK felt nice having to have an alliance with Caleb. However, she felt guilty for getting angry at Julia the other day...'hmph! It was her fault anyway!' MK thought to herself still on the pick pocketed phone. "MK?" A voice called out which she immediately turned to with a smile "ayo! Caleb!" She greeted. The boy smiled back, a sad smile however. That's not normal. MK went over to Caleb worried "dude, you look like shit, what happened?" Ah yes, tell him he looks like shit and then ask what happened. Nice.

Cool. Being dump is exactly what Caleb wants. Just PERFECT. Now if you didn't pick up Caleb was just being sarcastic don't take him seriously. After that being told that he "looks like shit" what a way to say that to a depressed friend MK. What a way. Caleb stared at her for a while "Priya dumped me" Caleb spoke simply. MK's eyes widened "what!? Why!?" She scrambled next to Caleb. Caleb shrugs "she said that us being in the relationship might bother her "big game"" Caleb sighed. MK looked at Caleb with pity. He don't need her pity. However, whatever helps her sleeps at night. He's too tired to care anymore.

MK bit the inside of her cheek before smiling and showing Caleb the phone in her hand "guess what I got Big Guy!" She spoke excitedly. Caleb's eyes widened "holy shit! Where'd you get that? I thought Chris said no phones allowed" Caleb look at the phone in awe. MK smiled knowing she successfully brighten up Caleb's spirit a little bit. She smugly look at the tall boy "Chris is an idiot that never properly hid his stuff" MK spoke. She then took out her own phone "fun fact, did you know one of Chase's search history is 'how to know if I'm gay' kinda thing" MK laughed. Caleb was flabbergasted "oh shit I gotta see it!" The two giggled as they went through Chase's phone. The guy had already been eliminated. He won't know!


It's merge time. The challenge had started. They are told to go in pairs and get on a boat to catch some flags. Whoever got the most points wins the challenge! The flags have two colours. Those are, Blue and Purple. Blue means 1 point while purple meant 5 points. Did Chris made this? Yes. Yes he did.

Everyone had find their pairs except for Caleb. Caleb can't really blame them after all he was taught not to force people if they don't want to. He was about to take one of Chris's boat when someone tug on his shirt. He turned around to see MK. Caleb raised a brow "didn't you say you wanna pair with Julia?" He asked the short girl. MK shook her head "she already had a partner" she spoke simply "and that is?" Caleb asked. MK frowns deepens "Wayne" ah yes. Caleb remembered Wayne telling both him and MK he had a crush on Julia once. No wonder MK's face looks sour.

Caleb gave a little pat on her head. It's weird seeing MK without her beanie. Adding with the new haircut. Her hair is short now and she looked more like a guy. Caleb is going to have to question his own sexuality after the challenge really. "When did you cut your hair?" Caleb asked the girl and not looking at her. MK's eyes widened and she chuckled "I asked Nichelle to cut it since the long hair bothered me" she answered "what? Something wrong?" She asked the taller boy. Caleb shook his head "you just made me question my sexuality now." He answered. MK let's out a laugh "what? You feel like you're attracted to boys now?" MK joked but Caleb didn't answer. MK realized it "HOLY SHIT YOU ARE!" she howls a laugh making Caleb red in embarrassment "shut up..." He mumbled to himself which made MK laughs way louder than what he expected. He's doomed.


The both are already on the boat with Caleb as the rower and MK as the flag snatcher. Now. As said earlier MK's a little cheater. Don't expect them to win fairly now. She's just in a silly goody mood. When the horn had made it sound the contestants scrambled for their lives. As they all took the flags MK and Caleb stole some from different boats without them noticing. 'Idiotas' she thought to herself "you got em MK?" Caleb asked which MK nods to. "However Caleb my friend, we can't just keep stealing from them. We have to our job too so that it won't be suspicious!" MK spoke in a mother like tone making Caleb snicker. They are winning and they know it.

Noah simply look at the game as his daughter took flags from different boats "she's your daughter alright" Noah spoke and look at his husband beside him. Alejandro who was also watching with rest of the group smiled devilishly. The smile that Noah hadn't seen ever since World Tour. That's funny. Trent however looked concerned of his boy "do you think Chris would notice that?" He asked. Noah was about to answer but Duncan cut him off "oh he DOES, but he doesn't say anything for Drama" Duncan went back to his phone seeming like he is texting someone. Trent look at the man beside him with a raised brow "who are you texting Donuts?" "No one, mind your business and don't call me that" Duncan bit back. Trent rolled his eyes "oh c'mon it won't be that bad! Gimme!" Trent quickly took Duncan's phone out of his hand and started running as Duncan chased him.Trent took the opportunity to look into Duncan's phone while Duncan was struggling to get his phone back. (Short Duncan lmao)


Ginger<3:hey Donuts, how's the show?

Ginger<3:congratulations you're a dad now lmao

Ginger<3:I named her Dianne btw

*Tap to see attachment*

Trent's eyes widened "AYO YOU'RE A DAD NOW!? CONGRATS MAN!" Trent spoke as Duncan finally got his phone back. The other turned their heads ay the two males "dad?" Izzy asked. Duncan groaned "fuck you Trent. Fuck you" Trent smirked "sorry, that's Justin's work" "AYO THE FUCK!???" Tyler shouted mouth agape at Trent as they all laughs at Tyler.


As expected, MK and Caleb won the game. However, even if they did won. MK still felt down. She didn't know why but it feels like she's a shit friend to both Julia and Bowie for betraying them. Ugh! She hates her feelings. Not long after that Caleb seems to notice her discomfort "you okay there shortie? You seemed stressed out a lil there" Caleb chuckled. MK frowns "I don't know...I just felt bad for Bowie and Julia..." Caleb sighed at that "hey, it's fine" Caleb sat next to her "I mean it's your plan after all" Caleb adds which made MK hit his shoulder and Caleb laughs.

Caleb smiled at MK "You're afraid they'll hate you right?" He asked the girl. MK shrugs "maybe yes maybe no. I don't know" she groaned into her hands. Caleb look at her and stood up smirking "so things looks bad and your back's against the wall" MK rolled her eyes. "This show's existence seems...fucking hopeless" Caleb continued which made MK nods at that. "You're feeling evil as your father long ago. Can't face the world sober and dopeless" Caleb took MK's hand as the both look at each other with a mischievous smile.

"You're a loser Baby a loser, goddamn baby you're a fucked up and playing the game" Caleb continued making MK laugh "hey!" She adds jokingly. "You're a loser just like me" Caleb smiled making the girl rolled her eyes in amusement "thanks asshole" she spoke as the two danced under the stars. Then MK spoke again "you're a screw loose, boozer an only one star reviews-er" she pulls him with her "you are super bottom at rock bottom but you've got company!" Caleb looked at her "did that make you feel better?" MK smiled and nods as the answer.

Caleb smiled back "that's good to know shortie" the two laughed "we're both losers" MK adds "that's what L in love meant" Caleb shrugs. MK raised a brow "what does the other letters meant then?" "Nothing" Caleb answered the question and they continued laughing. Okay. Being friends aren't that bad after all.

Ellou! Did I build a wall to ruin MKulia plot? Yes. Yes I did. Wayne's the wall >:) you have to wait much longer if you want MKulia especially when this shit really focuses on Caleb's and MK's life. Maybe joined with the Chris is Really⁴ hot team and Trent too. I just love putting in reference. Especially the Hazbin Hotel songs that I added for fun cause those songs rent free in my head. Welp, that's all from me! I need to tape back the fourth wall that Caleb broke earlier in the story.

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