Your trusts are ours (MK&Caleb)

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MK took off her jacket and sighed as both her and Caleb sat on a log. Their challenge was to find a golden painted apple. Which team finds the most wins. Unfortunately, like the MK style, she likes to cheat. Caleb had three golden apples in their bag and smiling "you should know one thing MK, you are one smart cookie" Caleb smirks. MK nods "I know that" she spoke proudly.

The both got even farther is the challenge only to hear a slight shout from afar. They both decided to take a look. There they saw Damien panicking over a hole "don't worry Emma! I'll search for help! Just. Just stay here alright?" And he ran off. Emma simply just shouts for Damien's name.

MK and Caleb saw it and laugh. "Okay, okay, so, you wanna help or nah?" Caleb asked the girl beside him. MK thought of it "hmmm nah" she smirked. The two only went farther in the wild for the golden apples so that their team could win.
"Ok, so like... we're all married right?" Izzy asked as the six guests sat on different trees. To be honest, even Izzy is not sure why Chris told them to do so. However, it's fun and not boring like how she is always at home. Hers and Owen's daughter, Olivia, is in college so they're not able to have much time with her along time.

Tyler shook his head "I'm engaged" Tyler showed his ring "with Lindsay?" Alejandro asked. Tyler nods "with Lindsay" he replied. Izzy nods back "soo like... Tyler's the only marriage newbie here?" Izzy asked again trying not to laugh. Tyler look at her offended "wh- No!" Tyler spoke. They all laugh at the ex- Jock of the group.

Duncan took a stick and played with it "I mean, I'm the first to get married in this team, let's be honest" Duncan shrugs. Noah nods "yeah, but cast-wise, it'll be Trent and Justin" Noah adds. "YEAH! Our first wedding with the WHOLE cast was Trent's and Justin's" Izzy smiled.

Alejandro chuckles at the memory of the first wedding that the whole cast actually went. Justin acting like a whole robot because he was too nervous. Trent had to change into new suit because on his way to the wedding, his suit got damaged.

Duncan was around the 5th wedding. In all honesty when Duncan told about how Scott proposed to Duncan. They didn't expect Scott would do ot while they are literal in the middle of the road. That farm boy is much insane than Izzy is in Noah's opinion.
At least she proposed to Owen in a park.

Noah tried to also remembered how Alejandro proposed to him and honestly? He doesn't want to remember it anymore. They went to the same university and studied together. Even along the way, they literally dated. Now, this is where things get a lil cranky. They were in class but their lecturer was absent. Alejandro unfortunately, saw that as an opportunity to propose. Yea. He proposed in their class. Asshole.

"Caleb! Not there!" MK shouts as Caleb climbs the tree. Caleb looked back at MK "then where girl?! Where!?" Caleb shouts back. MK groaned "The right Cal, the right!!!" MK shouts once more pointing to the right.

Caleb froze when he heard the nickname and fell. MK quickly to dodge. "Wh- CALEB! WHAT WAS THAT DUDE!?" The girl asked flabbergasted "did you just call me Cal?" Caleb asked covering his face from the fall. MK raised a brow "yea, I did. Why are you covering your face???" MK asked. Caleb sighed "well, I wouldn't want this face to get hurt now do I?" Caleb chuckles.

MK rolled her eyes "whatever, what's with the name 'Cal' anyway?" MK asked again not hesitating. Caleb smiled defeatedly "it's what my dad used to call me when I was around middle school. It stops exactly when I turned 14. Because unfortunately I don't want to be called that name anymore...and honestly? Kinda missed it when my Dads calls me that" Caleb responded.

MK nods "Daddy's boy?" MK asked "Papa's girl?" Caleb asked back. They sat in silence "yea" Caleb replied. MK thought for a while "same answer" MK shrugs. The two never grew up with mothers so like, there's no chances to be called mama's boy or girl.

MK giggled a little "what?" Caleb asked. MK snickered "nothing, I just remembered my dad used to call me Mary and Papá would call me Kate" she giggled again. MK looked at the confused Caleb "oh yeah, my real name is Mary Kate. Not MK" MK deadpans. Caleb nods "ah, yes, Thanks for the clear up" Caleb laughs.

"Y'know? We could be very good friends if this stupid show isn't in our way" MK groaned. Caleb raised a brow "how so?" He asked. MK looked at the boy again "well, our fathers are friends" MK shrugs. Caleb thought for a while "what school do you go to?" Caleb asked. MK shook her head "nu- uh, you first" MK narrowed her eyes. Caleb rolled his eyes "what if we went to same school?" Caleb asked. MK snapped her fingers "hard pass, my school's in Ontario" Caleb raised a brow in interest "well, I'm studying at Appleby College in ONTARIO" MK froze "how did I not know you exist???" MK asked.

Caleb shrugs "how should I know? That's you man!" Caleb adds. The two only stared at each other and snapped back to reality when they heard a voice they know too well. "Oooh Kids~ come out, come out wherever you are~!" That's Izzy's voice. Fuck. The two ran. They know this part. It's the part where the so called "guests" are gonna catch them. Whoever got caught will be out of the challenge. Unlucky for MK and Caleb, they got Izzy on their tails.

MK ran almost out of breath "y'know? I preferred if it was my Dad!" MK called not able to catch up with Caleb. Caleb stops to wait for the girl "MK! Faster!" Caleb called. MK groaned "I'm trying dipshit!" MK called back stumbling. Caleb sighed and went to pick MK up and started running again. MK turned red (of embarrassment) and covered her face "I'm being humiliated on international TV SHOW!" Caleb rolled his eyes "YOUR WELCOME!' Caleb started.

They ran feeling like they are finally out of Izzy's sight. Caleb pants as he sat "god, that was tiring" Caleb wipes his face of sweat. MK rolled her eyes "you don't need to carry me y'know?" MK spoke. Caleb shrugs but smiled anyway "I know, hey, just imagine if Julia is able to carry you like a princess too?" MK turned fully red. "Fuck off" she shoved the taller boy away. Caleb laughs "alright, alright"
The two sat for a while and it was calm. Until...

"Found the kids"

Oh shit.


Caleb quickly take MK with him and started running.
"The kids at school doesn't like me"

"awh Cal, that's gotta be nothing" Trent pinches his son's cheek softly "you'll make friends eventually! It's not like you'll never have friends forever" Justin spoke drinking his tea. Trent nods and gave Justin a kiss "it's normal to have eyes watching you when you first entered school baby" Trent chuckles and took a pan and put it on the stove. Justin nods "I was like that too and it was scary! But things go smoothly after" Justin shrugs and ruffling his son's hair. Justin smiled "you may not find friends now. But someday. Who knows? That happens to your dad before and look at him now. He have many friends" Justin gestured the boy to sit next to him. Caleb sat next to him "my point is, you don't have to rush having friends. Things can come out slowly alright?" Justin kissed the boy's forehead. Caleb nods simply.

His father was right. He'll have friends someday...and maybe...this is the day....MK eh? Cool.

"Mary" Noah called out to his daughter whom just came home and locked herself in her room like always. Alejandro sighed "do you think she's being bullied at school?" He asked Noah playing with his husband's hand. Noah shrugs "I mean, there's a high cause...but I'd like to think that...she just couldn't comunicate" Noah spoke. Soon, MK went down the stairs to sit at the dinner table with her parents. "How was school Kate?" Alejandro asked suddenly getting his rib elbowed by Noah. MK shrugs "it's nice, there's this new kid and he's awkward as fuck" MK spoke making both her Dads flabbergasted. "MARY KATE!" Noah stood from his place. Alejandro got his husband to calm down but is still in shock.

"What? Aunt Eva always say that" MK shrugs. Noah facepalmed "how is she going to have friends now?" Alejandro sighed "we should get Eva to stop swearing Infront of our baby" they both looked at MK "she'll find a way to make friends...somehow" Alejandro spoke.

MK did that. Now she does have a friend. Caleb's not so bad really. Boys mischievous, have the exact characteristics as her own dream brother. Nice.

HAHAHA ANOTHER PART! YESH! FINALLY! I was soo out thinking for this chapter but hey! It works! Hehehe hehehehehe hehehhehheehheehheheheheheeheheheheh

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