You talk like an idiot(MK&Caleb)

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MK laughed as hysterically as she looked at Caleb who got his food on his clothes and is pouting. Caleb went to sit next to her "I fucking hate Chase" Caleb whispered but could still be heard clearly by MK.

MK rolled her eyes "what? You wanna take revenge on tomorrow's challenge and get him out?" she sarcastically said. Caleb nods "wait. Really???" MK asked. Caleb nods once more. MK smiled "you're wicked Caleb" "and you're mischievous" Caleb snickered.


"So like, how did you guys reconnect with Heather and Bridgette?" Duncan asked as he took a bite on his pancake. That day they weren't doing a challenge so that explains why everything seems normal all of the sudden. "Eh, Alejandro is working with Heather and she invited us to her wedding with Bridgette like...two years ago? If I remembered" Noah thought back.

Izzy eyes widened "Heathette canon????" Izzy asked. Owen nods at her "Heathette canon" Owen spoke simply making the whole table laughs. Soon they heard a knock coming from their trailer. The table went silent and they all look at Tyler. Tyler rolled his eyes "I'll get it" he sighed and went for the door.

Once Tyler opened the door he was shocked to see who was it. "Hey Ty, long time no see hm?" "TRENT!?" Trent quickly covered his mouth "shhhh! I wanted this to be a surprise! Didn't expect you're the only one to appear" Trent explained in a whispered like voice. Tyler shook his head "mhm hm mh hmh mhmh" (we thought you were Chris) he muffled in Trent's hands.

The others were worried when Tyler didn't came back so they went to look for him at the main entrance only to see Trent wiping his hand on his pants. "You are disgusting Kennard" he glared at Tyler. They all only stood to look at them until Owen came out of nowhere "TRENT! I MISS YOUUUU!!!!!!!" He ran and pushed Tyler away before giving Trent a bone crushing hug.

Noah let's out a small giggle at that "you seemed amused querido" Alejandro smiled at his husband. Noah rolled his eyes "amused that at least someone will feel me" he snarked out. Alejandro made a dramatic gasp "mi amor, how could you. I thought we had something" Noah pinched his arm "we *have something. We're married and have a daughter. If we ever got divorced I'm taking her in my custody" Noah spoke clearly.

Alejandro nods "alright then querido, whatever you want" he kissed Noah's Cheeks and Noah returns it with a simple peck on the lips. When Owen put Trent down they all have a talk at the kitchen.

Trent eyes widened when Owen put down another pancakes received from the crew for Trent."Woah, Total Drama food now edible?" Trent joked. Noah nods "I told Chris our team would not be back to Total Drama unless he give us proper food" he looked back at his pancakes and grabbed his fork.

Trent nods before taking a bite. "So, is Caleb still in the game?" Trent asked looking at Noah. Noah nods again "he's been being MK's bestie the whole game yesterday, no eliminations though" he adds. Trent raised a brow "gift challenge?" Trent asked again. Everyone on the table nods.

Trent nods understood "your boy is wicked Trent" Izzy laughed out. Trent looked at her confused "you're saying?" "He tried to lure people to one of our trap hole just for him and MK to win" Duncan spoke as Trent paused himself. "WHAT!?" Trent let out as he looked at the table shocked. He didn't expect his son is the type to be that way. Did he watch too much of the old series again? Trent kept thinking.


"Caleb MK? Really?" Julia asked as she, MK and Bowie sat under a tree. "What?" MK asked "don't think we don't see how you're all buddy² with that Caleb boy" Bowie rolled his eyes. MK frowns "what? I can't make other friends? Even with MY OWN team???" MK asked as she glared at her two allies.

"That's the point MK. You DON'T make friends. You being friends with Caleb made us suspicious" Julia points out "in the end you're gonna betray us for that stupid idiot and-" "SHUT UP!" the tree went silent. Julia looks at MK flabbergasted. MK never shout at her that way. "Just because we're allies. Just because we're friends. That does not give you the rights to control who I make friends with! You know Julia? Sometimes, You talk like an idiot" She stomps her way out of the conversation leaving Bowie and Julia hanging.

MK went to the place where Caleb likes to hang out just to search for him. She then saw Caleb writing on the sand. She snickered "what are you doing dude?" She asked which made Caleb flinched at the sudden arrival. Caleb looked at MK and sighed in relief "you seriously surprised me there" he chuckled at the girl.

MK looked at him "what's up man?" She asked. Caleb sighed "my father came" "excuse me?" "My father was invited to join us tomorrow" Caleb rubs his face frustrated. MK's eyes widened "ooh. Tsss that hurts" she smiled and sat next to him.

Caleb groaned "look, I love my dad. It's just that, he's too protective!" He turned to his side to look at MK "I get that, my dad used to act like that all the time" she chuckled. Caleb sighed "when I finished school, I'm gonna live away from the house to have a normal life and not a model nor a famous singer's son. Just Caleb" Caleb adds.

MK gave Caleb a look. Caleb knows that look. That's a look of sympathy. "Do you pity me MK?" He snickered. MK's eyes widened "what? No! I was just...look, I used to think the same way you did" she fidgets with her fingers. Caleb seemed a little too eager wanting to hear more from her. MK then look at the sand "I used to think that my dads are just too much. However, now I know why they did that" Caleb raised a brow "why?" "Because I was the only child they ever had" she looks at Caleb.

Caleb shut his mouth and look at the sky "so you're saying..." MK nods "your parents are overprotective because you are their only son. Once they lost you they can't replace you. Like, how can they even try to get a new Caleb? Scientist???" MK snickered. Caleb laughs "alright² MK I get it now, let's go back to camp" he sat and is ready to stand up but MK pulled him down. She looked back at the sand "how about we stay here for a while. I don't want to go back just yet." She turned to her side. Caleb sat next to her and nods "alright then" the sat there in silence.

"Hey Caleb"


"Thanks for being my friend"

"Your welcome MK"


"Hey MK"


"Thanks for being here and being my friend of course"

"Pfft you're awkward"




"Dude no staphhh"

"Shut up, I'm going"

"Wait what? No!!! Calebbbbb!!!"

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