a great surprise! (MK&Caleb)

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Groans could be heard from the two Cabins. Priya slowly steps out of the cabin tiredly "ughh what the-" she haven't even finished her sentence and Chris already started using the horn again!

Chris with his mischievous grin looks at the tired looking contestants. "Good morning! Rise and shine campers! Because today, we're gonna meet some new guys!" Chris started. Julia glared at Chris "as if we'd care! Why did you wake us up way early than before!?" Chris only smile and shrugged it off.

Chef shook his head "now² these six aren't competing with you guys. Rather in here to "help" me and Chris for you guys in the challenges" Chef smirked. That did not set the nerves for the campers. Chris nods "see you at the first game campers!" He then laughed leaving the absolutely tired teens to get ready.

Damien frowned "oh, I'm not liking this" Chase nods "me too." They all went in their own cabins and got ready to meet the secret guests and for the next challenge.


MK sat together with Julia and Bowie as the campers all look at Chris who excitedly waits. He whispered something to Chef and Chef nods smiling too.

Soon they saw a boat arrive and Chris smiles even wider "The season 3 a.k.a WORLD TOUR team members of CHRIS IS REALLY FLAMING HOT!" Chris started.

One of the person went down the boat and started talking "uh, I remembered it's 4 really's?" They all walked towards Chris and Chef so the campers could have a better look at them.

As the six guests went forward MK's eyes widened. "Here campers, we have The Juvie, Duncan!" A man with black-greyish hair who had it tied into a ponytail and is wearing a sweater matched with blue jean. He rolled his eyes at Chris "I should'ev stayed at home with my husband" Duncan deadpans.

Chris simply shrugged the Delinquent off. "Next! Is our first Insane contestant! With the label "Insane" Izzy!" A woman with ginger hair waved in smiling while sitting on a large man. "Oh! It seems like she's walking in with our Big Guy Owen!" Owen waved excitedly at them "HELLO NEW CONTESTANTS!" Owen called out. Only Priya and Lauren waved at them back while the others look at them weird.

The next person showed a tall tanned man who's wearing a red jacket with white shirt as the inside. He looked at the campers seeming like searching for someone. Strangely, Bowie looked to his side seeing MK drowning herself in her beanie.

"Our Arch Villain! Alejandro Burromuerto!" Alejandro didn't pay much attention to his introduction. Simply look at the crowd of campers. Smiled. And wave before going next to Duncan.

Chris raised a brow "MK, you doing good?" Chris teased. MK simply didn't answer but kept drowning herself in her beanie. She was heard mumbling to herself by Julia and Bowie "you alright MK?" Julia asked sounding worried. Bowie also joined rubbing her back.

Chris didn't want to wait any further so he looked at the other two guests. "Now, arriving are our last two guests! The Sporto Who Sucks At Sports and The High IQ! Tyler and Noah!". Next thing they know the guests went in while talking completely lost in their conversation and went beside Owen and Izzy.

Noah was chuckling before turning and saw a certain someone. His eyes widened and he looked at Alejandro pulling him and whispering something in his ear. Alejandro bit his lip and chuckle slowly making Noah looking furious.

Bowie looks at Julia "is that Noah guy, looking at us?" Bowie asked. Julia shrugs "seems like it" MK only went quite before sounding like she realizes something "WAIT YOU GUYS USED TO COMPETE IN TOTAL DRAMA!?" MK stood up. Making all the contestants look at her.

Noah only frowned further and pinched Alejandro's elbow making Alejandro yelped. "What are you doing MK!?" Julia whispered yelled "Wh- DAD!? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!?" MK stood up not even caring people looking at her.

Alejandro smiled nervously "sorry cariño" Alejandro called out to MK. Chris chuckled "ooh! Dramaaa! Anyway, you six will stay here with the campers around...a week?" Chris looked at Chef for confirmation and Chef nods. Chris smiled "cool, cool. So you guys will be helping us with the challenges that the teens will compete in!" Chris spoke rather too loudly.

Then, Chris let the fathers and daughter have their talk. Infront of the other campers.

Noah looks at MK disappointed "didn't you say you're going to a summer camp?!" Noah asked "well, this is?" MK smiled nervously. Noah pinched the bridge of his nose "Mary Kate. This is a TV SHOW!" Noah spoke rather too loud. Alejandro put a hand on Noah's shoulder "Noah-" "Alejandro Burromuerto- Sterecra. Shut the fuck up." Noah glared at his husband. "You literally signed our DAUGHTER in this...in this Death Calling TV Show!?" Noah burst in anger. "Woah, Noah calm down dude" Duncan started "Duncan, if this show had made you have major injuries a thousand of times, which it did." Noah glared at Chris "would YOU, let your only daughter join?" Noah asked.

Duncan thought for a while "good point man" Duncan agreed. Noah groaned "the point is" He looked at the other contestants and raised a brow "hey you, aren't you Trent's and Justin's boy?" Noah asked pointing right at Caleb.

Caleb's eyes widened "how...how do you know my dads!?" Caleb asked. Noah shrugs "Trent's and old friend of mine. As if I didn't help him fill in your adoption papers" Noah rolled his eyes.

Caleb was lost for words but Noah went back to MK. MK sighed "look Pops, I'm sorry. It's just that, I just want to have fun and you know? Be famous!" MK reasoned. Noah groaned "MK, if you want to be famous, this TV show isn't it. You're gonna regret it once you got to know this hell of a TV show" Noah spoke looking at his past teammates that only nods in response.

"What your dad is trying to say, is that this tv show is ridiculous and he didn't want you to get hurt" Alejandro explained pinching the girl's cheek softly "and we don't want our little girl to risk her life" Alejandro explained. MK pursed her lip "aren't you the one who encourage me to join?" MK asked. Alejandro only smirked in a "not confident" way "well, that's because I want my daughter to test her AMAZING skills" Alejandro reasoned.

Noah rolled his eyes "whatever, what's done had been done. Now. Are you winning this kiddo?" Noah asked. MK shrugs "we only got Ripper out yesterday" she spoke. Noah nods "good. My girl can win this" Noah ruffles the girl's beanie. Noah then look back at Caleb "ooh, Trent and Justin are not gonna be happy once they heard about you here" Noah chuckled.

Caleb only gulped nervous at the news Noah is about to give to his parents. He knows his parents used to compete in Total Drama, but his Dads didn't want him to join. Saying it's dangerous and stuff. More of the protest came from his Father though. Justin hates that show. He told his parents that he'll spend his summer at summer camp. Just like what MK did.



A/N: HEYYY!!! Weird innit? I've moved on to another fandom and I guess it's a lil surprising? Hehe...see you later!!!

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