the love that grows(Noah,Trent,Duncan)

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"He hates me" Trent mutters under his breath. Duncan looks at Trent "dude, calm down. He's a kid, he'll be fine" he spoke while strangely sculpting  on a wood without a need of pictures that seems to form a head. Noah nods "yeah, Caleb's a good kid, I'm sure he won't be angry at you forever. Like Duncan and HIS father" Noah spoke as Duncan stopped carving and glared at Noah. "You don't get to talk about that dead stupid old man short ass" Duncan spoke showing his small knife threatening the shorter man.

Noah raised both his hands "okay, I won't" he spoke rather sarcastic. Duncan never liked talking about his late father. To be honest? He's glad the old man's dead. His father never wanted to see his face anyway. To Duncan's father. He has always been a disappointment. A shadow behind his older sister, Dianne. Nevertheless, he wasn't raised by his parents. He was raised by Dianne. No matter how his parents loves her, she still loves Duncan more than anything.


"I'm not mad Duncan. However, I am going to ask what happened" Dianne spoke as she put on her seatbelts getting ready to drive. However, before that she turned to her brother's face. The brother that she oh loved dearly.

Duncan mumbled something to himself. Dianne raised a brow "excuse me? Duncan Samuel Tarun. I didn't hear what you were saying" she spoke now looking at Duncan in the passenger seat. Duncan groaned "ugh! That stupid skank talk shit about you" he slumped into the seat wanting to disappear "happy?" Duncan asked. Dianne sighed, she love Duncan really, but he's always been such a headache. A mess if you ask Dianne.

"I don't care what people talk about me, you don't need to defend me alright?" Dianne spoke patting on the boy's head and still focusing on the road. Duncan pouts "look, I don't like people talking about you that way okay?" He spat angrily.

Dianne glanced at the punk "Duncan-" "I don't get it. Why do you care? Why aren't you like mum and dad? Why are you taking responsibility of a good for nothing person like me? You're supposed to hate me like everyone does!" Duncan rants and curled himself like a ball to hide his fave

Dianne was speechless as her eyes softens. She then heard sobbing from the boy. Dianne slowly put her hand on Duncan's shoulder "that's because I love you Duncan, more than anything" she softly spoke as Duncan didn't respond she continues. "Duncan, before you came I always wanted a sister. However, when you came out it felt like a miracle. I know mum and dad had always neglected you and lately you had been thrown into Juvie countless of times but I'll always love you" Duncan tilts his head to look at Dianne. He sniffed "more than anything?" Dianne smiled "more than anything" Duncan smiled back as he and Dianne kept talking to each other until they reached home.


"Hey, I heard you kept in contact with Leshawna" Trent spoke as he looked at Duncan. Duncan nods "woah, still in contact? I've thought you hated each other's guts. How's she been doing?" Trent asked again with Noah eager to know. Duncan raised a brow "aren't Harold and Leshawna together? Didn't he tell you anything?" Duncan asked back. Noah frowns "nothing will come out of that Ginger's mouth besides ninjas and stupid beaver facts" he spoke rather harshly. Trent chuckled "oh, Harold and Leshawna are together, it's just that I rarely see Harold and we've only been talking about the band" Trent spoke.

Duncan rolled his eyes "y'all are seriously fake friends" he joked. Trent snickered "so?" "She's fine, and also, I haven't always hated her guts. She's annoying but she's a good friend. She was there when I came out. She was there when I needed her. She was there when I NEARLY got divorced! Crazy right? She's like a sister to me. A sister that I've missed dearly" Duncan smiled sadly.

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