#R23 Unlock You

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👵》Cover / Title

The cover is pretty simple but well made, though I am not sure if it fits considering that the "you" in question is readers, I know that a lot of motivational quotes use a lion as image (The hustle kind of motivation) but it just doesn't fit with mental health in my opinion, considering mental health requires softness, kindness and understanding. Not strength / or tough lough as is typical with lion associated motivational quotes. Hehe.

👵》Blurb/Story Description
Well not much to say here considering it's a motivational book, but I think putting the best quote here might get people to read it more because if that one quote inspires them, they would think that there would be more inspiration to be found reading it.


👵》Plot & Conflict



P/S : I tried but I am not sure what to comment on though it does feel more like a personal anecdote of your experiences, and how you motivate yourself or keep a positive outlook than a motivational book, it gives a blog feel. Sorry I don't know how to review this type of book. 😣

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