#43 Secret Of The Snow Queen

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👵》Cover / Title
I think the cover could be improved, writing / story is most important but I think most people judge a book by its cover though so yeah, definitely has room for improvement on that end. The title feels generic but that's okay.

👵》Blurb/Story Description
The blurb feels a bit too general / obscure personally, and promises a lot to the readers which I hope it lives up to, the main conflict is clear but I think the stakes need to be established clearly. The blurb could be made stronger because it's not very attention grabbing at the moment...there is a lot to read and yet it doesn't interest me much.

I like the scene building, I can really imagine the scenario that you write in my head so that's good. Not much to comment here except maybe to spread them out a bit? It does feel like it bogs down the story a bit (Slows down pacing).

👵》Plot & Conflict
I didn't reach the plot yet but I would say that the story feels slow, then again it could just be the descriptions being too much (Personally), but as far as I read it the story does lack the tension needed to keep me reading. You keep mentioning the weight of the mission but it just doesn't give those feelings you know? I think setting clear stakes and consequences would help in that regard. What happens if they fail? Why is the mission important? Make me feel the weight instead of telling me kind of thing hehe.

I think the characters could use some descriptions, and though the world building is nice I feel that the characters don't stand out as much, they feel rather generic so far. And combined with the lack of tension in the scenes it's not very appealing for me to push through further into the book.

I think that the writing is good but I feel that the reading flow is kinda off though, I feel like I am stopping too often as I read so maybe that could be improved. And I think there are a lot of tells in the writing so maybe could cut down on them for better pacing, repetitions too, I feel that there are a lot of the same things being repeated like loyalty.

This story is very weird. I feel like you are very good at painting the scenes and stuff so definitely have potential. Maybe you just need to balance it out with everything else? Hmm. Maybe it is the overall kind of thing, the blurb doesn't hook me in, the starting feels slow and the characters didn't immediately shine so maybe that's why I am not very invested in it.

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