#R8 Crooked Hearts

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👵》Cover / Title
The cover is pretty and I think that's the protagonist, so this story is about her but I don't like the title because I don't feel like they fit the story? I only read the early parts though referencing the blurb I believe the title would be more fitting from villain POV than heroes?

👵》Blurb/Story Description
The blurb is okay, it gives me enough information to make out what the story is about. Its criminals and police force are trying to work together against a greater evil. I am expecting a lot of contrasts between how they go about it and a lot of conflict with each other due to them being on different sides of the law, and it ends with a hook as to whether they will succeed or fail to defeat their common enemy.

I think you set the scene well enough, a brief summary of the visual backdrop and then adding little details as the scene progresses is a nice touch. Not too much nor too little . I have nothing much to say here because it is descriptive enough for me, though others might argue you could be more detailed but to me it is good enough.

👵》Plot & Conflict
The characters and their circumstances are introduced well, but I believe the story would be better if it starts closer to the plot. You could introduce both sides at one location / event, giving exposition of all the characters in one event that connects them together and later reveal their backstory slowly. It's okay but the introduction could be multi-layered for more oomph instead of introducing them one by one.

The characters are described well, their relationship, backstory and personality is evident. The characters have different vibes to them, and the interactions between them highlights their differences. 

Starting with action to create tension is okay but as I said above, it would be better if it is related to the plot rather than a backstory because the tension feels empty since it is not related the plot. Just my opinion, but I believe it would be more powerful to start at the plot rather than just exposition for the sake of exposition. But overall I think it is an okay read.

Sorry I don't have much to add, I don't really know what to advice so I hope you find a more experienced reviewer, good luck! Hope to read it again.

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