Mind Full

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Stupid Flash and his words kept ringing in my ears.

"Hey, Penis Parker! Stop trying to get with the new girl!"

What does he know. He needs to learn to shut up and mind his own business.

I felt my heart pounding hard in my chest.

Peter was pretty close to me though.......

His fingers were on my chin the whole time

Did he want to kiss me? Noooo....

Were his eyes really always that brown?

Did I actually say that out loud to him? Ughhhhh....

My mind continued to think about Peter as the teacher gives us codes to write into our computers in Advanced Computer Science.

Mr. Stanley was really nice. Well anyone is great, when you compare them to the couche-bag of a sub I had the first day in class.

He was a middle aged man, average height, brown eyes, gray hair. He pushed us hard, he knew we could all do great things. That's what a good teacher is though.

But I was his favorite, of course.

I think he likes the fact that I can show those as*holes that stereotypes are wrong and I am more than just a pretty face. I'm on the top of my class, hand in all my assignments before they're due, and do extra credit just for fun, when I get bored.

I mean I did grow up with two geniuses, my dad and my uncle. They taught me everything I know. I do think the smart gene is in my DNA though, it runs in my blood.

I'm very popular in this class as well. I mean I'm popular in school just in general but especially in this class, my smarts are shown off to everyone and it's my best subject. This is my second home. Well I have multiple so maybe like my fifth home.

I'm sure my looks also help with the popularity too, but we'll pretend it's just from me being super smart.

I'm not mostly proud of my looks, I'd very much rather be known for my smarts instead, but it certainly doesn't hurt. My beauty is very noticeable, not trying to brag but it also runs in the genes. I am a Stark after all.

No, at school I'm a Miller.

"Y/n, look at me."

Peter's voice rings through my ears and into my mind. He's got me way too distracted.

His face pops into my mind again. His pretty brown eyes, his chocolate brown curls, and his sharp jawline.....

"Oh, please, Stop." I whisper to myself. Some of the kids around me turned to look, but I just gave them my signature Stark smile.

"Y/n, are you good?" One of my classmates, Ben asked me.

Ben sits right next to me, and I notice4d he stopped typing just to look at me, right in the eyes.

Ben had hazel eyes, depending on the lighting, green, sometimes brown, and he had brown hair with natural small blonde highlights. Hid hair was wavy, but not considered curly.

"Oh yah, I'm fine, just can't seem to focus at the moment..." I answered.

"What's on your mind?"

"Uhh, well.."

He didn't let me finish, "Is it Peter?"

"What?! No! Pfftt.... Why does everyone always assume that?" I swatted his arm away.

He laughs, "I'm kidding."

I roll my eyes at him and continue my coding from before. He does the same as well.

"Hey uhhh listen....." He starts talking again, "I'm throwing a party on Friday night, and Iwas wondering Michelle, Ned, Peter, and you would all like to come?"

"Oh, that's really nice of you, I'll have to ask them, but I might be busy Friday night."

"Busy? Busy with what?"

"You know....." I'm not sure what to come up with, "work and that kid of stuff."

"Work? You're already amazing at everything you do. You're definitely a rival to Tony Stark in Computer Science. And the only people who may beat you in Chemistry are Bruce Banner and Peter Parker." Ben's smile fades away, "Look, if you don't want to come, just tell me. You don't have to make up an excuse..."

"Oh, no, no. I'm not. I promise you that!"I say that a little too loud and catch some others attention, "Look Ben, I'm just working on something personal, and it has been taking up a lot of my time. I just may not have time to come, that's all..."

The past couple of days, excluding my sleepover and Rhode's party, I've been trying to figure out my mother's work she left for me. I actually had another idea in my class with Peter before and I wrote it down on a sticky note so I would remember. If this worked it would be a huge deal.

"If I were you, I'd leave a little of your time for fun too. You have to live life to the fullest. You don't want to spend all your time working and never having some fun time." Ben explained to me.

I'm not working all the time.

Am I?

My mother worked a lot too.....

Is that bad? Should I not be?

I can feel a burn in my eyes. My mother worked all the time on this project, and it consumed a lot of her time. She basically stopped having fun completely, and in her free time hung out with me. Then that stupid accident took her life. That could happen to me too. Accidents now a days are very common. And my Dad being Iron Man, my life is always at risk. Do I want to spend on a party, or perfecting my mom's life work?

I can manage both...

Yes! Both!

"Are-are you okay?" Ben asks me.

"Yah." I wipe my glossy eyes, "You know what. I'll go to your party."

"Friday night, seven thirty, don't be late." He smiles.


"Monday, pull up my mother's work, please." I ask her.

The holographic picture shows up in front of me.

My mother's sketch and ideas were on the table in front of me, with a bunch of blank paper.

I also had my own work, and notes in front of me as well. I hardly use my notebook, but it was a Christmas gift from my father. Might as well put it to use.

I started sketching the bracelet I would use for the design.

"What if I could change my subatomic level through the quantum..."

This would keep me busy for hours....

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