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I look over, confusingly, to see them both staring at each other.

"Wait, you two know each other?"

Peter turns back to me, looking red, "Um, well, uhhh, of course. Doesn't everyone know Tony Stark's person driver. Uh, how do you know him?"

Well, you see, long story short Tony Stark's my father. Y/n of course you can't say that. Think of something, quick.

Uh, him and my aunt knew each other in high school. Then my father met him in college, and ever since then we have been, uhhh, close family friends. My aunt isn't around anymore, you see, and my dad was working late tonight, so he called Happy here, to pick me up." I was starting to turn red. I hope he bought it. Not to mention Happy wasn't helping much, with his snickering.

"You seemed to know him more personally though, have you met?"

"Uhhh, I, uh."

"Alright, enough with the chatty chats." Happy interrupts Peter, "Your dad wants you home soon, so let's get going."

"Yah, of course." I say confused and anxiously.

We get in the car, and before we know it, Happy has driven Peter's to his apartment.

I reach over to grab his bag for him, when I feel a warm arm around me. I try to keep a straight face and not smile. "Peter.... uh, I was just handing you your bag."

"Oh, uh, I'm sorry." He turns red faced, as I laugh. I give him a quick hug. 

I felt kind of bad. That's all.

Are we sure about this.

Yes, shut up, before someone hears you.

I'm your brain stupid.

My brain and I having a discussion ends when Peter is about to open the door and he says, "Thanks Y/n for the ride. See you tomorrow!"

"Your welcome, bye."

After seeing Peter walk into his building, we pull out, and start driving towards the compound.

"Okay, Happy, what are you hiding?"

"What are you talking about?" Happy anxiously looks in the review mirror for a quick second, at me, before looking back at the road.

"I know you know Peter, spill."

"I don't know what your talking about."

I sigh and shake my head, I'm not stupid, "Neither of us told you where Peter lived."




"Boom, Busted!"

"Okay, Y/n, you got me. He has a Stark internship, and I've had to give him a ride home before."

"Wait a Stark internship! With my dad? Since when does he do those?""

Happy doesn't say anything in reply.


He still doesn't say anything.


"We are here, Y/n."

I look out of the window, forgetting the conversation form before, to see the Avengers Compound. Home Sweet Home!

I grab my bag and walk out of the car. Before closing the car door I say, "Don't think this discussion is over Happy."


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