Confusing Feelings

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Happy drops me off in the front of the school, I get out and see that Peter is waiting by the front of the building, turning around, looking for someone.

What a dork.

I walk within the crowd, walk up the stair behind where Peter is standing and come up right behind him.

"Peter Parker" I whisper into his ear.

He turns around with a nervous expression on his face which softens when he sees me.

"Wow, didn't think I would scare you that bad" I tell him, giggling.

"Ha-ha you're very funny, y/n" he says sarcastically.

"I thought it was too." 

He rolls his eyes and shakes his head making me laugh again. "So how did last night go?" he asks.

"It was fine I guess. My family sure had a lot of questions to ask. I didn't get yelled at, at least as bad as I thought I would. Everyone was happy I was home." I say looking down at the ground but then laugh remembering my punishment, "However I do have to cook breakfast and dinner for a week and I'm grounded for three days."

"That's great, Y/n!" Then his face turns to confused, "Wait a second, you got into a huge fight with your dad, stole a car, went into the city by yourself, planned on going to a college party, stayed at a boy's house for the night, and you only got grounded for three days?!"

I nod with a straight face, "Yah, that was all correct."

Peter's jaw drops to the floor, "Do you realize how lucky you got? How is that even fair? I mean to be honest that's great and amazing you didn't get into too much trouble, but my aunt would have buried me alive if I did a single one of those!"

I laugh at his reaction, "Yah my dad is pretty chill. He's really amazing."

"It sure sounds like it." Peter smiles and shakes his head, "Wait, did you say everyone?"

"Oh, I uh, some of my aunts and uncles were visiting us." I say, nodding my head.

"Oh nice, we should probably head to class before we get detention for being late."

"Yah, that's probably a good idea." I say as we start heading to the door.

Peter turns to me and smiles as he holds the door open for me. He follows behind me, and I feel a warm feeling inside of me.

Wait, what?

Why do I feel like this?

Y/n, you're a Stark

Maybe I'm catching a cold

"Hey, are you okay?" Peter asks as he catches up to me.

"What?" I say looking up at his face, "Oh.." I shake my head, "I'm fine. I think I may be catching a cold though."

He laughs, "You better not be contagious!" He nudges me in the shoulder, which makes me laugh.

I roll my eyes at him, "If it is, you're about to be sick as well." I cough in his direction, and then grab his arm and fake sneeze into it.

Peter's face now turns red, but he goes along with it, "Oh no, I can feel it coming." He says dramatically holding his stomach. "I'm down!" He starts to slide against the lockers, holding my hand so I fall with him, making me laugh. It's a good thing it's early so there isn't many people here.

We laugh until we can't breathe. Then we still in silence. But it's a comfortable silence. The moment just feels perfect.

"What are you guys doing on the ground?" 

Both out heads snap up to see Ned and MJ.

Peter and I look at each other and then start laughing, "Come join our sick group" Peter says.

 I laugh at his comment, "Beware though, join us and you will also become sick.

Ned and MJ share a confused look, and turn back to us, "You guys sure are lucky no one is in here at the moment" Ned comments.

"Anyways, Y/n, it's Friday, so I was thinking you can come and sleepover at my house tonight, so we can get away from these two losers" MJ asks me.

Peter and Ned give MJ a 'WTF' look, while I still look at MJ. "I would love to" I say.

Peter coughs, "Ahem except..."

I groan, "I'm grounded...." I shake my head annoyed.

"Wait, what? Why?" Ned asks, looking surprised.

"Welllll..." I sit up straight against the wall, "I kind of snuck out."

Peter laughs really loud, "That's a big understatement" he mumbles.

"That's all?" Ned asks.

"Wellll..." I look down at my hands, "I also kind of stole my dad's car, and went into the city to go look for a college party, and then I spent the night at a guy's house."

"WHAT?" MJ asks.

"That's bad ass." Ned nods.

I laugh at Ned, "I was lucky though, the guy wasn't a total creep and didn't do anything while I was asleep. "I look out of the corner of my eye at Peter, "That I know of" I smirk.

Peter's face goes red again. "What the hell, Y/n.....

"I'm kidding." I interrupt him. I look up to see MJ and Ned's confused expressions. "I stayed at Peter's" I clarify for them.

"Ew, Y/n." MJ jokes. "I guess we can wait till next weekend now since I don't want Peter's cooties."

We all laugh, except Peter who looks annoyed at the comment.

"Awwww, I'm so sorry Parker." I lay my head down on his shoulder. "Do you feel better now?"

I look back up at Peter's face which is as red as Nat's hair. "I. uh- I, umm..."

"Oh no, I think Peter caught Y/n's cooties! Stay away! Now they're both contagious." Ned exclaims, in a joking tone. "Come on MJ, before they give us cooties too! He takes MJ's hand and runs with her down the hall, to class.

I lean my head back onto Peter's shoulder, "Peter, do you know if Ned has a crush on anyone?"

Peter stiffens and sits up straight, "Uh- not that I know of." He turns quickly to look at me, "..Wait, do you..."

"Nooooo." I interrupt him, bursting out laughing. "Goodness Peter no. Ewww. You guys are like brothers. Ned is like my brother. I don't like him. I'm just asking because he seems like he's pretty close with MJ.

Peter freezes and turns to me, "Wait... so I'm like your brother?"

I think for a moment, "No Ned's like my brother, but you..." I look up at him, "you're more like my friend. My best friend." I smile, an honest, genuine smile. "Yah, you're definitely my best friend."

He smiles back at me, a tint of pink on his cheeks, "Yah, I don't see you as a sister either. You're definitely my best friend too! He stands up and puts his hand out towards me. "Shall we go to class now?"

I laugh at him, "We shall!" I take his hand and get up walking down the hall to class with him. 

We're just laughing, enjoying each other's company. Just Peter and I walking to class together, not even realizing we are both still holding each other's hands.

(I'd just like to say when Peter and Ned are like 'WTF' it reminds me of that WTF sound on tiktok 😂)

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