Home Sweet Home

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I walk through the door and there awaits me all of the Avengers. I hadn't steeped even a foot in before they all tackled and smothered me.

"Where have you been, young lady?" Steve.

"We were worried sick about you" Nat.

"Thank god you're home, safe" Maira.

"Is that a skirt?" Clint and Sam.

I manage a small smile, "H-hey guys, I-I'm sooo sorry, but have you s-seen my dad?"

"He's in his workshop." Bruce answered.


I head to his workshop, anticipating and worrying about what he was going to say to me.

I reach for the handle, and slowly open the door, taking a deep breath before I enter.

Dad was tinkering with some sort of gadget and had his back turned to me, he looked like he hadn't gotten any sleep and worried.

"Hey," I say real quiet, "I'm home," I say with my head down.

He turns around real quick and stares at me, while I also stare at him.

He then gets up from his chair, walks over to me, and embraces me in the biggest hug he has ever given me.

I give into the hug immediately, while tears flow down my face and onto the crook of his neck, where I implanted my face.

"I missed you so much" He says, grabbing my face with his hands and looking directly into my blue eyes.

The tears start to flow harder, "I missed you too, dad."

"Please, never do anything like that again."

"I won't."

He lets go of my face and we both just stare at each other, both of our faces stained with tears and glossy eyes.

"You look beautiful, Y/n" he says, breaking the silence.

"And you look awful" I say, with a small smile on my face.

He laughs, and I join in.

"So, there are some things I would still like to talk to you about, like the fact that you stole my car." He says with a stern, but calm at the same time, look on his face.

"...I did do that." I look at the ground, embarrassed by my actions.

He continued to talk, "I see you created a way for Monday to self drive the car."


"You created a system so advanced, that I couldn't even break or hack it."

"Uh-yah." I say with my head still down.

"You snuck out to go to a party with people far to old for you, with drinks and drugs."

"I did, but Peter talked me out of it before I could even try." I try to explain to him, to get me less in trouble than I know I'm already going to be in.

"He truly is an amazing kid."

I didn't even have to think of the words coming out of my mouth, "He is." I do still wonder how he knows Peter but, I'm not going to try and argue my way to the truth at the moment.

"You are literally a miniature, female, version of me so it makes it really hard to punish you."

I laugh, "I am my father's daughter."

He chuckles at my little statement but stays stern, "On a serious note, please don't ever do anything like that ever again."

"I won't." I say seriously knowing the consequences would be a lot greater.

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