Peter's Apartment

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The four of us walked to Peter's apartment, as it wasn't very far from the school, and on our way there I got a text.

(Let me know when you get to the kids house please. Thanks)

It was from dad of course.

Ok dad, I'll be fine. See you later.

"Everything ok." Peter asked as I looked right into his brown eyes.

"Yah it was just my dad. He wants me to text him when he gets to your house. Helicopter parent, I tell you."

Peter chuckled before stating, "Yah, but that just means he loves you, he really cares about you."

Peter and I just stared at each other for a second before Michelle and Ned called from feet in front of us.

"Can you guys hurry up."

"Yah, we won't even get to see one full Star Wars movie if we don't."

"Ned, we are not watching Star Wars again."

"Yah, ok."

Peter and I chuckled at their little argument before jogging up to them to catch up.


"Welcome to my humble abode." Peter said as he unlocked the door and we all walked through.

Small but definitely homey.

"Alrighty finally, we could have been here twenty minutes ago if those two didn't stand gawking at each other every two seconds." Michelle states.

Peter blushes a bit while I just come up with a good remark, "Well I'm sorry maybe you and Ned just walk too fast. I will admit I do walk a little slow. At least my brain isn't slow, although, you must be pretty slow yourself to realize this just now."

Ned just stares there in silence while Michelle smirks and says, "I really like you."

Peter changes the subject, "What do you guys want to do."

"Star Wars."

"Anything but Star Wars."

"Alrighty it's Star Wars then." Peter confirms.

"Did you literally not hear a word that just came out of my mouth." Michelle retorts.

I snicker at the three of them arguing like a bunch of kindergartners.

"Fine, you can pick the movie then."

"Yay." She sarcastically states. "The first one I guess. I don't want to watch them out of order."

"Alright Y/n and I will go set it up, while you and Ned go get the snacks."


Peter and I head to the couch and sit down while he puts on the first movie.

I turn to him and look at him closely. "Peter Parker, who are you really?"

"Huh, what?"

"I said I would explain later, well later is now."

"Seriously, right now. When we are about to be hanging out with our friends, Y/n?"


"Ok then." He waits for me to explain.

I sigh, "You know yesterday when Happy picked us up?"

"Uh, yah?"

"How'd he know you?"

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