More than just a Pretty Face

175 7 14

I walk up the steps of the school in a gray sweatshirt and some jeans, I preferred to be comfortable today, and started to head into the building. 

I was walking to my locker, when my phone got a text from my dad. 


Hey sweetie

Hey, what's up?

Nothing wanted to see how school was going.

You realize it just started, right?



Love you, monkey. Have a good day!

Thanks dad, you too.

I was just finishing my last text when I bumped into someone and we both fell over.

"Oh, he- hey Y/n."

I look up to see Peter.

"Hey, Peter. I'm so sorry. I should have payed more attention to where I was going."

"No, no that's ok we all get carried away sometimes." he chuckled after finishing his sentence.



"Well I was looking for you anyways. Michelle, Ned, and I were going to go to my apartment after school. Would you like to join?"

I guess i really have made some friends. "Of course, Peter. Just let me check in with my dad, to see if that's ok."

I open my phone back up to text my dad

Hey, dad?

You already miss me?

Haha, you're so funny. No, I was wondering if I can go to a friends house after school today?

Who's house?


Sure, just text Happy when you need to be picked up. Be home by 7. 


I close my phone and tell Peter I can come over. I continue to walk with him to my first class.

"See you later."

"Yah, see you later, Y/n."


The day breezes by, and now I have one of my favorite subjects of all. Advanced Chemistry.

The class I have with Peter, my partner.

Peter Parker.

The Peter who has a file with S.H.I.E.L.D. for some weird reason.

When I get to class, the teacher is right to teaching. I start to write a little note to my friend Peter Parker.

'I need to talk to you.'

He passes it back

'uhhh ok.'

'I'll explain later, but for now let's just get back to paying attention.'

The class goes on fairly quickly, and when the bell rings, I jump out of my seat and head to my next class.

"Y/n, hey, wait up." I hear Peter call from behind me.

"I told you we would talk about this later." I put emphasis on later.

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