My Story (part 2)

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My life still wasn't the prettiest even after I got a new home and family.

I still had my mother's funeral in which I had to see my prior "father".

It definitely wasn't awkward. I guess I'm getting a hand at being a Stark already.

Pepper Potts attended with me along with Happy which I had met for the first time prior to him driving us to the funeral. I wanted my dad to attend but, seriously, how would it look if the Tony Stark, himself, had shown up to the funeral. There would definitely be some rumors going around after that.

I guess not many people knew Pepper so it was a good way to keep both my dad and I's cover of being related, blown. Not even Lucas had known who Pepper was. My guess would be he thought that she was the agency in which I was with after he had disowned me in the hospital.

After all the doctors had found out I was Tony Stark's daughter, dad had personally hired them to be doctors that had worked for them. I would need check ups and it was already perfect since they had already known who I was. It wouldn't be safe for the world to know tony Stark has a daughter as he has many enemies. So he payed them to not tell anybody which also included many signings of papers and contracts.

After the funeral ended they started to read my mothers will. It was blurry to me as I had cried a lot:

All of my inventions and work shall go to my daughter, Y/n Miller, for I have seen the things this little joy has done and I know she is capable of anything. She will have success ahead of her. As well as the family heirlooms from my family will go to her as well, including dresses, jewelry, and all of my elegant clothing , she will one day grow up to be a mature, beautiful, young lady.

The house shall go to my husband, Lucas, as long as he is still alive and well. He will also receive the good china in the house.

All of my clothing, excluding the ones saved for my daughter, will go to charity. Unless the circumstance that money is needed, in which they need to sell the clothing. My family is my everything and they come first in my eyes.

I trust my daughter will be taken care of by her father, until she is old enough to leave and live her own life. I will hope he respects all of the decisions she makes through life, unless it puts her in harms way.

All of my love goes to my family, and I hope it is long before I see either of you.

Elizabeth Marie Miller-Bardot

The rest of the day passed quickly, Lucas and I continued to ignore each other and go our separate ways, I got the items from my mother, and Happy drove us to my new home.

My new room was beautiful. We had redecorated it with the things I had from my old house along with some new decorations. It was painted the most beautiful shade of f/c, and had a nice white desk in the corner of the room. There was also a nice couch and huge TV. Along with my new walk in closet with my old clothes and new ones my father had bought for me. There was also a newly designed bookshelf that had a safe hidden behind it, so that I could leave all of the valuable stuff, including the clothing and lives work, that my mother had passed down to me in there.

I had lost most of what I had known in the past 24 hours, but my life was starting to recover and I knew my life would soon get better.


I had a hard time warming up to living with the Earth's mightiest heroes, but they were all very welcoming to me and they had become my new family. Many of them had families too, and didn't live in the tower with us, but they were still my family.

They all had their quirks and I had loved all of them. They were all hilarious, and so was I. Each of them took on a big role in my life. Thor and Clint were my big brother figures. They would tease me, as big brother do, and they were super goofy and funny, and not to mention super over protective. they all were though. Bruce was like my uncle. He was very quiet and super smart, and he along with my dad, taught me a bunch of what I know, and had a huge part in my love for science and technology. Steve was also like my uncle, but in a different way. He almost always acted like he was my mother. He was supeer over protective. Natasha and Maira were like my older sisters. Maira had experienced many hard times in her life and didn't have anyone, which was why Steve adopted her after her parents were killed. Another person he is super protective over. In ways Maira didn't want me to experience what she did which is why she is like my older sister, as well as Nat. They were my heroes. My dad though, he was my idol. I loved him so much. They were my big happy family.

More Avengers were introduced as the years went on, but we lost some along the way too. But we were able to overcome it and move on from it, just as life does.

Civil War was the biggest family feud my family has ever had. I didn't have much of an involvement since I was too young, even though in the eyes of my family I will always be young for anything, but with the help of my father and some others we came up with a way to help everyone out with the Sokovia Accords.


After Spider-Man Homecoming

Of course every one got used to being back living as a happy family. I'll tell you it definitely wasn't easy but we pulled through and handled everything. My new life had some new flaws, that included danger. I know I'm already Tony Stark's daughter, and not to mention Iron Man's, how much more danger could I be in. I was kept a secret my whole life, and my dad decided to home-school me. I don't hate it, but I definitely don't love it either. I had private teachers, and of course doctors which were all paid to keep me and my life a secret. Not to mention the Avengers all helped out in teaching me things any teenager my age should know, from all the subjects. I never saw Lucas Bardot again, and we all assumed he thought that I was adopted by some family after the funeral. It took me time to get used to my new life and situation, but I did it. I was lonely, but I managed it.

By the time I was eight, I had finally adjusted to my new life and I didn't call Tony by his name anymore. He was officially dad to me.

I would just like to say I'm proud to be a Stark. I always will be.

(Note: her mother dies around Iron Man 2, so that's when she goes to live with him. Also by the time we fully get into the story she will be the same age as Peter, which I believe is 15 in Homecoming)

(Maira is also mentioned in this part, as I said I would add in some of my own characters. She has the ability of Speed, almost like Pietro, and also can heal very quickly. Her superhero name is Speedy. She is 19 and was adopted by Steve when she was 14 after her parents were killed a little before The Winter Soldier, by Hydra. She got her powers from Hydra when she was 5 after being kidnapped when someone pretended to know her parents when picking her up from school. I will also be adding in Alina, who is Nat's biological sister and is one year younger than her. She has powers she was born with that are white and similar to Wanda's. When she went to the Red Room she was tested on and given a serum to heighten her powers more. Over time they become blue when she becomes more powerful. They will show up when the Avengers are talked about.)

Sorry for the long paragraph but just wanted to let you guys know that information. Thanks for reading and I hope you are enjoying the book. It is just gonna get crazier from here.

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