Second Year: Astudeionto

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"I'd want to get married in like, October," Diana said dreamily. "In the forest, with only my parents and you guys, and a couple people that my husband would want to invite. And there would be no photographers. I'd have my dad take the pictures, so it's super intimate."

"Total opposite. I would want to get married in either June or August, no exceptions, on the beach, with a bunch of people, a really good photographer. And we'd get it done in the evening, so while we're dancing there would be a sunset," Rory sighed at the thought. "Though it would be a lot of money."

"Well your future husband is rich," Diana giggled.

"Oh," Lexi frowned at the two of them. "I was thinking just getting it done in a law office with just me and my husband. That's how my parents got it done, it was like 75 pounds."

"That's so boring!" Diana exclaimed. "You don't want your marriage to be symbolic?"

"Well, I think that getting married in itself is super symbolic. There's no need to spend all that money just so people can watch it happen," she said thoughtfully.

"Hm. Good point."

"GIRLS! For the 3rd time, stop talking and please get up! We are dueling, so get a partner!" Troutman exclaimed.

The 3 of them looked at each other, not sure how to partner up. It was a rare occurrence for any teacher to let people actually pick their partner, but obviously, Troutman was too lazy to put in the effort to make partners. Rory looked around the classroom, and saw Deacon Ackland, who she admittedly hadn't talked to since 1st year standing alone.

"You two partner up," Rory told the two.

"Are you sure?" Lexi said. "I can find another partner if you need-"

"It's fine, don't worry," she gave them a reassuring smile before briskly walking over to Deacon before he could find a partner. "Hullo Deacon!"

"Oh! Hi Rory!" he exclaimed, surprised. "Do you...uh have a partner?"

She shook her head no. "I was wondering if you wanted to partner up," she offered. "If you wanted."

He nodded quickly. "Yes, please. I thought I would have to go ask Troutman for a partner again," he blushed red.

She gave him a short laugh, before the two walked over to an empty area in the classroom. Their teacher was trying to teach them how to duel, and by the looks of it, it wasn't going well. Wands were flying all over the classrooms, kids were falling over, random spells were shooting in every which way. Given, it wasn't fair for Rory to judge since her parents had taught her to duel long before she went to Hogwarts.

"What were we supposed to be practicing again?" Rory asked Deacon for a little bit of filling in since she hadn't been paying attention.

"Expelliarmus," he muttered. "I'm not too good at it though."

"It's alright," she encouraged. "Give it a go!"

"Okay," he said warily. He pointed his wand in front of him as if he was scared of it and whispered a slight: "Expelliarmus." A sad red spark shot out of his wand and stopped before it was even halfway to Rory. She frowned.


He buried the heel of his palms into his eyes. "That was horrible."

"It wasn't horrible," she lied through her teeth. "You have to be more assertive about it. Yell it, believe in it. And try moving your wand clockwise first and then when you point, say the spell. That's how I was taught, at least."

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