First Year: Occlumency

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"Hello," a chilling voice echoed. Rory recognized it. It was the same voice that was in all of her nightmares.

Rory could talk this time. "Hello?" she responded, voice shaking.

She heard footsteps echo down the same, cold, unfamiliar hallway that she found herself in during all of her nightmares. It was almost like a ritual at this point to her. The air she breathed in seemed to just clog her lungs as she waited for the figure to emerge.

"I've been trying to find to right moment for so long," the voice said.

"The right moment for what?"

"You'll see," it responded eerily before stepping out from the darkness that it was shrouded in. Rory gasped when he saw him.

"You recognize me?" it smirked. He smirked.

She nodded, speechless. "Y-you're Voldemort"

He scowled. "It's the Dark Lord to you."

"Is this..a dream?" she asked, confused. Why did it feel so realistic, so different from her normal nightmares.

"No," he said as if she should've already known this.

There was a silence, and Rory looked helplessly at him.

"Oh Lorelai, you're so helpless. I'm a Legilimens. And that means I can access your thoughts."

Oh fuck.

"You know I can hear you say that right?"

"Oh," she said dumbly. "That makes sense."

Rory was giving no warning before he dived into her thoughts. There could've been an at least a little, "Hey sorry, I'm about to go through your most personal thoughts right now so brace yourself."

But he is Voldemort so she guessed it was in character for him to not be nice. Go figure.

Rory thought he would just read her mind, but she found herself diving through her own memories. She had to go through it with him. They stopped at a memory, in Rory's opinion, not quite a pleasant one. She was standing in the living room guiltily. Her parents had caught her  messing around with something (Rory just couldn't remember what), and were extremely mad.

"You are SO FUCKING LUCKY THE MINISTRY HAVE US UNDER PATROL RIGHT NOW!" her dad yelled at her. Like a coward, young Rory shrunk. Present Rory, on the other hand, was used to it. It was normal for her parents to act like that.

"What the FUCK is wrong with you. ARE YOU FUCKING MESSED UP IN THE BRAIN!" her mom yelled, hitting young Rory in the head so hard she fell over.

"Get up," her dad said sternly before backhanding her across the face. Present Rory winced as young Rory started crying as she spit out blood. Another bad mood.

"Stop fucking crying!" her mom yelled. Hitting her again. Young Rory fell to the floor. Her parents kicked her, punched her, did basically anything they could to harm her. Present Rory winced, wanting so badly to step in and do something, but her feet were glued to the floor. And, it was of course, a memory.

Rory had completely forgotten about this incident, since after that one, there were so many similar ones, that Rory had lost it in the mix. Sad, really.

When her parents were done harming their only child, her dad threw a tissue paper roll.

"Clean this mess up," he snarled before the two of them briskly walked off, leaving Rory in a puddle of blood and tears.

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