First Year: Betrayal

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Rory managed to go back to sleep after she stayed awake for 2 hours talking to James. He was quite good company, which wasn't helping the lingering feelings that she felt for him. She sat between her new friends: Lexi and Diana. Kiera seemed to already know a lot of people, so she hadn't given Rory the time of day. But that didn't bother her much. During breakfast, Rory kept sneaking glances at James, hoping she wasn't being too obvious. How does one act while having a crush? She didn't know, since she clearly hadn't had one before. 

Even in the morning, after sleeping he looked just as good as she remembered. His hair was messier than it was the night before, which Rory thought was impossible, and his under eyes were tinted a bit pink, probably since he didn't get much sleep.

"You got your schedule right?" Lexi asked her.

"Yeah. We all have the same one right now I thought?" Rory asked.

"Oh! I don't know. Maybe!" she answered before grabbing Rory's schedule from her and comparing. "Guess we do! Not looking forward to Defense Against the Dark Arts with Slytherin."

Rory frowned. She was excited to see Regulus, especially because he left so promptly from the Great Hall. The second they were dismissed, him and his friend Regulus Black left, but Rory was still talking to James so she didn't want to be rude and leave to go see Regulus.

"So," James said between bites, catching Rory's attention. "You like to fly?"

Rory remembered mentioning flying the night before. She shrugged. "Never tried it, just seems cool."

His mouth fell open. "YOU'VE NEVER FLOWN BEFORE?"

Rory laughed. "No!"

"Oh my gosh! It's like the best thing in the world. I'm trying out for the quidditch team this year!" James talked so fast Rory barely heard the words he said. She smiled nonetheless. Suddenly, she heard a loud rustling. She looked up and saw owls flying in from every corner of the Great Hall.

"Mail!" Lexi exclaimed. A letter dropped in front of me and my heart sank. The top read

To Lorelai Rose Kensington

From The Kensington Estate

Kensington Estate? Rory didn't even know they had one of those, whatever that meant. Maybe they just were trying to sound formal and fancy. She opened the letter and at the top, in her mothers big cursive writing read: Don't bother responding to this letter. We will talk more when  you get home for the holidays.

Off to a bad start. She read the rest of the letter though.

The disgrace you have brought our family makes us sick, Lorelai. We cannot believe you went against our orders and joined that traitor in Gryffindor. Your mother wanted to disown you the second we got the news, but alas, it would be an even worse look for us if we didn't have an heir to our family fortune. Now, you should know, your mother and I are trying for another baby. We do not want our hard earned money to be passed down to someone who so willingly betrays their family. That being said, we WANT you to know how dissapointed we are. How angry we are. This is the start of you being one of them, and I want you to know that when you are a legal adult, we will not protect you anymore. Since you are under our care right now, we don't want to deal with a death. We have graciously asked the Dark Lord to not kill or mentally disable you, and I hope you are at least grateful for that. Be on your best behavior, for we are already very angry. We did not send a screamer because we did not want to embarrass ourselves and discuss our family matters in public. But know, you are an embarrassment to this family. We will deal with you when you get home for the holidays. Brace yourself.

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