First Year: Father's Son

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The days before the holidays seemed to speed up. Rory fell into a regular routine of waking up at 5 am (that was James' fault) to practice quidditch, and then going through her regular classes. Defense Against the Dark Arts was the only one she didn't like, partially because of her teacher, but mostly because of Regulus. They didn't exchange a single word, which was awkward since Slughorn had decided that they needed a seating chart.

And with Rory's luck? She was sandwiched between Regulus and a small 1st year Gryffindor named Deacon. Of course, Rory wouldn't even fathom talking to Regulus, so she quickly befriended Deacon, who was actually quite nice company.

Regulus had tried reconnecting, obviously regretting what he'd done, but Rory was having none of it. She still had some self respect, of course. But as much as she hated to admit it, it was hard ignoring Regulus. She missed him, a lot. But whenever she'd get too sentimental about him, she'd remember this cold expression that reminded her so much of Walburga, and all the positive feelings she had about him would dissaper.

She hated Regulus Black.

She hated his stupid friends, she hated his green and silver tie. She hated his black hair, his sharp nose, his black eyes. She hated him

Rory stared at him from across the Great Hall. She was sitting at the Gryffindor table with Lexi, Diana, and the marauders (that's what James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter had called themselves). He was quietly eating his food, talking to Barty, Evan Roiser, and Severus Snape. Of course those were his friends. 

"Hellooooo earth to Rory," Sirius waved his hand in front of her head obnoxiously. She looked up, annoyed.


"We asked whether you were going home for the holidays," James said helpfully.

"Oh," her heart sank just thinking about it. "Yeah I am."

Sirius raised his eyebrows. "That won't be much fun."

"Yup," she muttered under her breath. "Are you going home Sirius?"

He widened his eyes. "No I'm staying with Potter over here," he grabbed James' shoulders and shook it slightly. 

Rory was surprised by that. "Your parents let you?"

"Nah. I'm just not going to tell them."

"Excuse me?"

"Rory, I can't go back to that house. You should've seen the letters that I've been getting. They're pretty bad."

She gritted her teeth, but didn't want to make a big deal in front everyone. So she did the next best thing. "I need to mail something, come with me."

Sirius looked shocked. He put his arm over his chest dramatically. "Me?"

"Yes. Now!"

He shot the marauders a glance before following Rory. The second they were out of the dining hall she pushed him up against a wall, forearm on his neck.

"Woah," he let out. "What the fuck Rory?"

"What is wrong with you!" she exclaimed.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? You're the one who has me shoved against the wall!"

"You're just not going to tell your parents that you're going to the Potters?"

"They would never let me go!"

"So you're just going to leave Regulus alone?"

"MY PARENTS LOVE HIM! THEY WOULDN'T DO SHIT TO HIM!" Sirius yelled. Rory had let go, so he was trying so size her up now. Rory stood her ground. "I can't go back to that house!"

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