First Year: Bonding Already

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"What the fuck is he doing here?" she exclaimed. "You never told me he'd be here!"

Slughorn motioned to the seat, right next to Regulus. "First have a seat!"

"First answer my question!" she shot back. "I didn't agree to this, you know that! You're just causing more trouble!"

"Why don't you just stop being a big baby and sit down," Regulus said calmly. 

She held back the urge to punch him again. "Why don't you stop trying to be the cool fucking mature adult, Regulus," she said through gritted teeth, putting as much venom into his name as she could. "From what I recall, you were the big baby while you rolling on the floor, clutching your nose after a girl punched you."

He spun around, and Rory locked eyes with him. "Maybe you just have anger management issues. Like your parents!" 

Rory wasn't going to give in. He wanted a reaction. He wanted to know he'd hurt her. "Can't believe you ever prided yourself on being different from them," she scoffed.

"Than who?" Regulus challenged.

"Your fucking parents," she spat.

Rory saw it in his eyes. She'd hit him right where it hurt. And for some sick, twisted reason, she took pride in that.

"Both of you STOP!" Slughorn yelled. It startled Rory so much that even she shut her mouth. "SIT DOWN RIGHT NOW RORY!"

Rory obeyed grudgingly, and sat in the seat next to Regulus, making it a point to sit on the farthest right edge of her chair so she'd be as far as she could from Regulus.

"You two have detention, for the rest of the week! No magic," he informed them, sticking his hands out for their wands. Rory warily looked up at him, memories of what happened to her last time she didn't have her wand flashing through her mind, but handed it over to him. She wasn't going to risk getting extra detentions.

"Great! Now your first task is to clean every single trophy in the school! Mr. Filch has it in a nice little box for you!"

"With no magic?" Regulus complained.

"No magic," Slughorn echoed.

Regulus let out a loud groan. "That's impossible!"

"Quit whining," Rory snapped.

If Rory was being honest, she was internally annoyed as much as Regulus was. But, she was still petty enough to call Regulus out on anything that he did. Why? Cause right now, she hated him.

Regulus glared at her, but didn't say a word. Instead, he silently trailed behind her the entire walk up to the box that Mr. Filch had laid out for them. 

"This is bullshit," Rory muttered as she grabbed a rag and started cleaning a trophy.

"Yeah, and you got us into this!" 

"Oh my god, how is this my bloody fault?"

Regulus stared at her. "Because you fucking punched me?"

"Maybe it's because you called Deacon a fucking mudblood!"

"Well did I lie?"

Rory and Regulus looked at each other for 2 solid moments. "You're impossible," she muttered, shaking her head. "Don't even fucking act like you don't regret it Regulus."

He squinted at her through the dark hallway. "I don't regret shit Rory."

"Oh please! You know I grew up reading people. I saw the regret flash through your eyes. I know you better than you think I do!"

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