Chapter 16

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The kitchen was lively with chatter and laughter. The drama that had transpired a few hours ago was brushed under the rug with us all gathered together and exchanging stories. Mamie was lively and made us all feel welcomed and loved. It wasn't often that the Volturi was shown kindness in how she gave it to us. She made sure we felt at home in a way I think even Aro never realized he needed to feel it.

"Thank you, ma'am." Aro had a warm soft smile on his face. I don't ever recall him having a look like that from all the years of serving him.

"Ma'am? You make me sound old. Mamie will do, sugar." She leaned down and kissed his forehead. "Eat up." She smiled and winked at him.

Aro blinked a few times trying to process the interaction. 

I chuckled. "Are you okay?"

Aro looked over at me confused. "I suppose. Why is she being kind to us?"

"Not everyone has a grudge against us. She is a kind and humble woman. Plus, I think she might like you." I replied and took a bite of the meal that was on my plate.

"She is a nice woman. I quite like her as well." Aro looked at his plate studying the contents in it.

"It's good. Give it a try." Sophia said to him. "Have you not ever had it before?"

He shook his head. 

"You're tastebuds will be in for a pleasant treat." Marcus chimed in before taking another bite of his.

Aro knitted his brows together and took a bite. He paused for a brief moment and shoveled another spoonful into his mouth. "This is brilliant!"

Andy laughed at his surprise. "Did you have any doubts?"

"Yes." He retorted. "I'm Italian. This isn't a regular menu option."

"You poor deprived vampire." Andy teased.

"I'm glad you are enjoying it." Mamie came back over to us and rested her hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.

Aro looked up at her from where he was sitting. "You are a wonderful cook."

"I didn't do it all on my own. Andy got it started and Ray helped me finish it up." Her eyes stayed fixated on Aro.

Sophia and I eyed one another. I couldn't read her mind but I could tell she was thinking what I was. Mamie had a small crush on Aro and Aro was oblivious.

"The hospitality we have been shown is greatly appreciated. I hope one day we can return it in kind. It would be a privilege to have you all visit and stay with us in Italy once all this danger is over." Aro replied.

"Any excuse to visit you in Italy I will gladly take." Mamie kept her eyes locked on him.

Aro raised his brows. "Oh?"

Demetri had an amused smile on his face watching the conversation between the two.

"How long do you think it will take him to figure it out?" Renesmee asked in a whisper to Andy.

"I don't know. When was the last time a woman showed interest in him?" She asked back in a whisper.

Renesmee eyed me for the answer. I shrugged and shook my head. I had never seen a woman genuinely interested in him where it wasn't her only wanting him for something. Be it money or immortality. It was never anything sincere and ultimately in the end it was always Aro being left and the product of someone else's selfishness. Mamie seemed to be the first who truly meant well and wasn't after anything.

I caught Leo's eye. He looked less than thrilled at his sister's interest in Aro. He didn't say anything to her but I had a feeling he probably would when they weren't here.

It was late in the evening when Leo and Mamie were getting ready to leave us. The sound of movement on the porch alerted us. I was quick to move to the front door and block the two from going out.

"What are you doing?" Leo questioned in annoyance.

"We have unexpected company. You can leave if you wish but we don't know who or what is waiting outside on the porch." I replied.

Leo and Mamie eyed one another and took a few cautious steps back to allow me to open the door and investigate.

"Be careful, Alec," Sophia said to me.

Easing the door open I scanned the darkness. I looked up to see the porch light broken. I looked down on the planks of the porch to see the glass shards of the light. "I think you two should stay with us tonight. Something is waiting for you outside." I could hear a low growl from the darkness. I tried to search it and pinpoint where it was coming from.

"What do you want to do Alec?" Jane asked me.

"We should search the property. Something is out there and they are waiting to strike. We shouldn't wait and be sitting ducks." I replied.

Demetri nods to me. "We will follow you."

"Aro. You, Marcus, Jasper, and Ray stay here and keep guard." I instructed.

"Of course. You three be safe." Aro replied.

Stepping cautiously outside I scanned our surroundings. "Spread out..." I stopped talking. Something sharp pierced me cutting through the hardness of my flesh like it was butter and sent me back into the doorframe.

"Alec!" Sophia called out my name.

"Hold her back," I ordered. I don't know who grabbed her. I kept my eyes fixed on the darkness ahead of me.

"Are you okay?" Jane was at my side looking at the object that was stabbed into me. "It looks like an ice pick."

I caught sight of something else flying in our direction. I reached out and caught it before it could hit Jane. She looked at me in shock. It was silent. We couldn't hear the objects being thrown at us like we normally could.

"This isn't good." Demetri took a cautious step back. "I can track them but I worry about what trap they have in store for us."

I pulled out the ice pick that had stabbed into me. Pain coated my body from the damage it had down. "Fuck..." I breathed out. "I passed them off to whoever was in the house. "Someone examine these."

"I'll take a look at them." Leo took them from me and stepped back out of the way.

I blinked my eyes a few times. I started to feel drained and weak. I forced myself to stay standing and hoped my body would heal. I felt my shirt start staining with my blood bleeding through it. Intense pain coated me. It felt as if my body was on fire from the inside out. I dropped to my knees and gritted my teeth together  trying to refrain from screaming out in pain. It felt like Jane was using her powers on me but I knew she wasn't. It was similar to hers but amplified.

"Get him inside," Aro ordered.

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