Chapter 14

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"How did... never mind. Do you have access to let us be able to get to the tunnels?" Aro questions.

"I do for at least the shop and the cemetery. As for the home? That is a private residence. I would have to talk to the owner of the property to try and get in." Mamie replied.

"How will we know what access point they used?" Sophia asked. "They could have used any of them."

Renesmee chewed on her lower lip before deciding to add to the conversation. "What if we ask one of the wolves to help? They could sniff out a vampire's nest. The Volturi and my uncle would need to hang back so they don't throw the wolf's smell off, but having help from the wolves could narrow down which tunnels they are using."

"That isn't a bad idea." Jasper chimes in. "If none around here are willing to help, we could call Jacob and get his help."

Renesmee scrunched up her nose at the idea of calling Jacob. "I hope a local will help. I don't want to face Jacob yet."

"That could work. I could talk to some locals and see if would help." Leo rubbed his chin. "Some of the teenagers from the pack close by come into the shop. They might be willing to help. Of course, they will have to get the approval from their Alpha. If that falls through ask your wolf friend."

"This is good. We have something to work off. We have a few good leads to play on what we already know and have learned." Aro walked the length of the living room. "Our next act will need to be learning how we can rip apart their underground organization. We stop it, then we can better help stop the spread."

"When can you talk to those kids?" Andy asked her father.

Leo shrugs. "Possibly tomorrow. They should be coming in with a group for a DND campaign they have been a part of. They meet at the same time once a week at the shop. They reserve the larger table for it."

"Perfect. You talk to them tomorrow. As soon as you get an answer let me know so I can let these guys know. If they can't do it we need to know so Ren can contact Jacob." Andy replied.

"You got it," Leo said back to her.

"Is anyone else in the family coming today?" Andy asked.

"No. Mamie and I can fill them in later tonight." Leo replied.

Andy gave a nod. "As long as they are aware of what is going on and all that is at stake." 

"Something else that I want to touch on. The ones that have gone missing here recently. I did some of my own digging..." Mamie pursed her lips together. "They have all been witches. Witches that are powerful in some aspects or another."

"What?" I breathed out.

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