Chapter 4

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Morning broke through the cracks of the drawn curtains in the room I was sharing with Demetri. I was up getting ready when my phone went off with a message from Sophia.

'Good morning! I will see you soon.'

I smiled at her message and watched the bubble at the bottom showing she was still typing.

'I will let you know what I find out today in the lab. I love you, Alec. Have a safe travel. Tell Demetri I said hi... oh! The roommate wants to go on a double date when you get here. I told her you're working and it might have to wait.'

I laughed to myself and shook my head as I sat down to slip my Oxford boots on.

"What are you laughing at?" Demetri came out of the bathroom towel drying his hair. 

"Sophia's flatmate wants us to go on a double date," I told him.

He arched a brow at my words as a smile spread over his face. "Did you tell her yes?"

"I haven't replied to her. Were working anyway. We don't have time for something like that. You know good and well Jane would not even let us have time for that." I got to my feet and started to type Sophia back.

Demetri rolled his eyes. "You're just trying to get out of having to see Sophia for long. You know you will take one look at her and take back that breakup."

I paused with my message and glanced up at him.

"You know I am right. You can't quit her. You're probably trying to find a way to avoid even seeing her after telling her you would see her. You don't want to have to face her."

He was right. I looked at my unsent message. 'Good morning, love. I will see what I can do. We have a lot going on currently. I may not be able to make that happen, but if you do learn anything today, please let me know.' 

Demetri snatched my phone from me, read my message, and shot me a look. "You weren't even going to say that you loved her too?" He shook his head, deleted my message, and typed back a response.

"Hey!" I went to grab my phone and he shoved me back.

"Will you just admit you still want to be with her? You are in love with this woman. When was the last time you felt like this? Hmm? When you were human? When it was with Mila?"

I glared at him.

"Just fucking admit it. I am your best friend and know you like a fucking book. Can you honestly tell me you aren't crazy in love with this woman? This woman makes you smile and laugh. That makes you happier than I have ever seen you. I don't give a shit if I have to drag your ass to her house to see her so you can admit you were wrong for breaking it off with her. I will do it." He handed me back my phone.

I looked down at the message he had sent. 'Good morning. I love you too... let me see what I can do. I need to get this job at least partly taken care of to know what is going on before I can commit to the double date. I would hate to take you out with what is going on and you get hurt in the process or your friend. I hope you can understand that.' I looked back at him and then back at my phone when her message came in.

'Of course! I completely understand. Just be safe while you are doing this. You all can stay with us. You know we have the room to put you guys up...'

Before I could reply she sent another message.

'Only if you want to... I mean... you don't have to. I don't want to make you feel pressured.'

I watched the bubble as she typed out more.

ControlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora