Chapter 6

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"So what? Like a new variant of vampires?" Sophia's flatmate questioned with a cup of tea between her hands. "Less attractive and probably more powerful. What are you guys going to do?"

I shook my head. "I don't know... in all my years I have never seen anything like this."

"What about magick? Can you not use that? You were once a witch like Sophia and I... can we not..."

"That is out of the question. I want you and Sophia to stay out of this." I cut her off before she could say more.

"Andy is right, Alec. Let us help you. We might as well. We are roped into this regardless. I was targeted at my job. They will keep coming." Sophia argued.

"If magick could help then why not let them help us? We could at least see what we are up against. Maybe they can see who is behind this. You of all people know the power of witchcraft and what it can do." Demetri sat next to Andy at the kitchen table.

Andy had copper-coloured hair braided to the side out of her bright green  hazel eyes. She was dressed in a black top which was showing off her dark tan skin and a black skirt with fishnets. She was a pretty girl who always dressed more on the gothic side. She had it toned down today, my guess was due to the heat index being high. "My next question is, why did you not fight back Sophia? You have the powers to use to your advantage. Why didn't you?"

Sophia chewed on her lower lip. "I froze up. I was scared. That thing was bigger than me and when it started the fire and how it reacted to its flesh melting away was unsettling. I forgot how to even function." Shaking her head she pulled her glasses off to rub her eyes.

Andy frowned and looked at me. 

"You both can help, but I still want to keep you out of this fight as much as I can." I finally said.

"You are going to team up with wolves but are reluctant to get help from witches? Your own kind." Andy challenged me. "You are in New Orleans. There is a town full of witches. My family is some of them."

I pierced my lips together. "I know. I just don't want either of you to get hurt. Fighting these things won't be easy. I even struggled at it."

"Because they knew your abilities. They don't ours and we are not limited to just one thing. You remember how our craft is. You know better than anyone not to underestimate a witch and what we can do." Andy replied. "We will be helping with or without your consent."

I let out a heavy sigh. "Fine, but stay together. Do not separate."

"Demetri is right... I think we might can look and see who is doing this or get hints at least." Sophia recovered from the memory of what had happened the day before.

"They think they can help solve the mystery of who is behind this?" Jasper comes into the kitchen with Renesmee.

"Yes. We have a few options we can try. I wouldn't typically use scrying for something like this, but it is worth a shot. If not that a pendulum reading."

"We can even pull the cards out and the bones."

The girls spilled out ideas to turn to for options for finding an answer. "Let's go get started." Sophia got up from the kitchen table. "You guys can help yourself to something to eat."

"I got up early and went to get takeout. There is a great breakfast joint in town that I called an order in. I sat the spread out on the bar. Help yourself." Andy got up and followed Sophia.

"I didn't know they were witches." Jasper walked over to us more.

"It was kinda obvious uncle." Renesmee went to the bar and started to fix herself a plate. "Just look at this house and how it is decorated. They have witches' bells hanging on their front and back doors and brooms hung up over each of them. They also have alters for the deities they worship. Even each have necklaces they wear with symbols representing their gods. I think I saw a Triquetra around Sophia's neck." The girl popped a grape into her mouth after she finished talking.

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