Chapter 2

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It was dark and the moon hung high overhead when the wheels of the aircraft touched down at the airport the pilot had landed in. Grabbing my bag I walked down the stairs to find a car waiting on us that had been delivered. Not that we needed a car to get around quickly, we just needed one to have someone take and deliver our bags to the hotel.

"You know the Cullens have to know we are coming due to Alice and her visions." Demetri sat his bag in the trunk of the car with mine and Jane's.

"That is what we are counting on. Maybe they will be ready to hand the girl over so we can get going." Jane replied.

"You know that won't be the case." I chime in.

Jane smirked. "Then we take by force."

I scowled at her, "Jane we are not going to do that. We might need their help."

She glared at me. "You're getting too soft Alec."

"Do not even think about using your powers on me Jane. Just because I do not agree with forcing that child from her home. Can we train her better than them? Yes, but forcing her out and scaring her is not the way to do it. She is just a child. Have you forgotten what it was like when we were little before we grew up? We might be young adults now but we used to be scared kids that the village hated."

We glared at one another for a long moment until Demetri cleared his throat. "We need to go."

"Yes, you're right." I pulled my eyes from hers and walked away from her and took off in the direction of Forks. I left it to them to follow me. I didn't bother looking back.

Demetri caught up with me. "Where do you think the first outbreak happened?"

Jane came up on my other side. "We can check their media here and find out. It might have been something small and that was why it was missed at first."

"That is a good idea. We can question the Cullens and see if they noticed anything." I chimed in.

We stood on the porch of the Cullen home with Carlisle.

"You know why we are here," I said to him.

"Yes. I am sorry, but I cannot let you take her." He replied.

"We aren't giving you a choice," Jane spoke.

I held my hand up to her for her to back down. "I understand, but if we do not and she does this again the next time we will have to kill her. Let us take her with us and train her. You have my word she can come back home..."


"Jane. Stop. Let me do the talking."

"This was not part of the agreement." She argued.

I shot her a glance and she gave me a challenging look, "I will personally see to it she is brought home safely. We just want her to be well adapted so she isn't at risk of hurting others and getting herself killed."

"I will help him as well." Demetri came to my aid in helping me handle this.

"I understand, but it is not up to me if she can go or not. That is up to Bella and Edward." Carlisle held a soft and understanding voice. He looked me over and nods for us to enter his home.

"Why did you let them in?" Bella was up and making sure to keep Renesmee away from us with the way she had her pulled behind her and Edward at her side.

"Just hear Alec out." The good doctor said to her.

I held up my hands in good faith. They had little of that with us and I did not blame them for that, "if Renesmee comes with us then I will see to it she is properly trained and fit to be able to come back home. I promise she can come home. She will even have phone privileges to stay in contact with you all. I will make sure of it."

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