Chapter 12

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Morning rays broke through the sheer curtains that hung in Sophia's room. She pulled the cover up more over her head and nuzzled into my chest trying to stay asleep. I pulled her into my arms more and kissed the top of her head that she had hidden away under the covers. I couldn't blame her for being tired. We didn't get back to bed till after 3 in the morning. Even though I did not need sleep, I was even feeling spent. I kept her held close to me allowing her to stay sleeping while I closed my eyes and recalled the past few days and the events that that transpired. I was in disbelief over it all, yet I knew it was all real. It was all a reality. One that was turning into a nightmare that I wanted to escape from.

Sophia slept a few more hours wrapped in my arms. She was reluctant to want to get up but the sounds of the house were active and lively with mostly Andy and Demetri bantering and Renesmee trying to calm the two down.

"Ugh... why do they do this every morning?" Sophia threw the covers off and let out a tired sigh.

I laughed and sat up. "Would it be them if they didn't?"

"No. One of them would be dead if that was the case." Sophia yawned and stretched where she lay next to me. "Guess I need to get up."

"That would mean Andy won." I teased and eased off the bed to start getting ready for the day. 

Sophia was slow to get up as she sat up and let out another yawn. "You are not wrong." She laughed tiredly. "They are cute together though. Not as cute as us."

"Oh of course not." I walked over to her and gently pulled her to her feet. She looked up at me with her sleepy blue eyes and a sweet smile. "You are adorable."

She wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned up on her toes to kiss me gently. "So are you."

I rolled my eyes. "Not hardly. We need to get ready before those two get any worse."

"I wonder if she has called her dad yet."

"I think I heard her on her phone this morning talking to someone about coming over this afternoon when they got off work."

"Good. I hope they agree to help."

"Do you think they won't?"

Leaning on the counter next to her in the bathroom where we had moved the conversation I watched her wash her face. 

"I am not sure. They had told her in the past to be careful getting involved with your kind. Most specifically a member of the Volturi."

"I see."

She rinsed her face and towel-dried it off letting me have a turn after her to freshen up.

"I think they will help. Mostly to help keep her safe and after we tell them just what is going on I think they will help and reach out to others simply because of how bad the situation is even if you and the other Volturi here weren't in the picture."

Drying my face and putting the towel aside I leaned back on the counter watching her do her makeup. "So you do think they will help."

Sophia shrugged. "Only because of what all is at risk and wanting to keep her safe. I can say they will be less than pleased that she is with Demetri now."

"I cannot blame them. He is with the Volturi... we aren't exactly everyone's favorite."

"But you are mine." She smiled and gave me a wink.

I laughed. "I'm glad. I would hate to not be in your good graces."

"Good thing it's hard for you to make me mad."

"Lucky me." I moved and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind her. 

"Hmm, I would say I am the lucky one." She sat down the makeup brush she was using to finish putting on some light makeup.

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