Chapter 15

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"They are taking witches? How are they even tracking them down to know?" Leo questioned. I could see fear in his eyes. He looked at his daughter and Sophia. "You two better not go off alone. I want you with someone at all times. I'll be damned if I let my girls be turned."

I knew he treated Sophia like a daughter of some sort. He took on that job when Sophia moved to New Orleans. Andy and Sophia were flatmates in college and decided to live together after they both graduated from the Uni they both attended. From my understanding, he went with Sophia and Andy to help handle things when her parents and little brother were murdered. Sophia was having a hard time handling anything for it. I couldn't blame her, she was young when it happened. After that, he took her in. I respected him for it. He didn't have to do anything, but he did. Still does.

"Have they seen any unusual markings from where the witches have been taken? Shaped like a J almost?" I questioned.

Mamie shook her head. "They didn't say."

I rubbed my chin in thought say they continued to talk.

"We won't papa," Andy said to him.

"I'm not leaving this house without Alec," Sophia added.

I could tell the mention of my name made him cringe but he didn't remark on it. The news of witches going missing was more important than me.

Mamie nods. "I saw a few on the news. I paid attention to what they had on in their pictures. Each had some type of necklaces or tattoos representing their deities or tying to their heritage." She paused. "I asked Spirit to show me if the missing witches were linked to this and I got the answer that we do not like... I did more digging with Spirit's guidance and it showed me that each one that has been recently taken has a high level of energy in some way and they are incredibly gifted." She looked at Andy and Sophia. "You two are prime targets. Do not leave this house without one of these vampires."

"What about you and papa? You both are powerful. You both fit what they are looking for. What about you guys?" Andy questioned with a panicked voice.

"We will be just fine. Don't you worry." Mamie replied gently. "Now that we have more information we can plan better."

"Speaking of information, Alec. Share what you and Sophia uncovered." Aro cuts in.

I gave him a nod and recounted almost everything that we learned. I left out the parts of my past. I didn't see a point in sharing that. Sophia chimed in with her theory's along the way explaining her ideas on how the venom is being used. We covered all we could to shed some kind of light on things.

After Sophia and I filled in Leo and Mamie a bit more on what we knew and the theory that we had it made Leo more inclined to work with us. Mamie seemed to not be surprised by what we had said. I shouldn't be shocked. She showed us she had the ability of Sight. I assumed that the Divine had shown her everything that they could. Even with myself being a vampire I could feel just how strong her energy was. I lost the witch side of me when I was turned and I could never express how much I missed being a human and my Pagan heritage. I would never admit it out loud, but I missed it and the comfort I felt in my practice and how happy it made me. When I was turned I felt like I betrayed my heritage and my ancestors. Betrayed my gods. As much as I knew Leo and others like him hated vampires I don't think anyone could hate me as much as I hate myself.

Leo had taken Andy into the other room to talk to her alone. I could still hear loud whispering coming from them. It was an argument over her being with Demetri. I watched Demetri for a moment. I knew he could hear everything that was being said. Her father was ripping him apart and refused to accept them being together regardless of Mamie accepting him and being happy for Andy.

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