Chapter 5

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The plane touched down at the airport. I didn't bother to worry about my luggage, my only thought was getting to Sophia and praying to whatever god was listening that she was alive. I had sent her more than one text before getting off the plane and got no response. The lack of a response only added to my fear for her safety. 

My feet touched the pavement and I took off running.

"Alec! Wait!" Demetri called after me. "Shit... Jasper. You and Renesemee handle the bags and let the car take you to the house. The driver knows where to go."

I could hear him and Jane running to catch up to me. Demetri was quicker to match my steps.

"You can't run off on your own. We don't know what we are up against." Demetri scolds me.

"I don't give a damn. Sophia is in trouble." I replied.

"I understand that, but what good are you to her if you get killed?" Demetri tried to reason with me.

"Hush. Both of you. Look." Jane nods ahead of us. The road was blocked off and part of Sophia's building was up in flames.

"Sophia..." I came to a quick stop and searched around the crowd that had gathered. I couldn't spot her anywhere.

"There are still people in there."

"Half the building is falling in on itself. There is no way they can get in and out in time."

"What happened?"

"Another attack in the lab. Half the staff was dead before the person caused an explosion."

I ran my fingers through my hair and worked to try and calm down. 

"Let's go," Demetri said to me. "We are quicker than the mortals. We can get in and get out faster than them."

Giving him a nod we slipped past the crowd that was standing around as the first responders tried to put the fire out and treat the wounded.

"Why are we bothering with the mortals?" Jane questioned as she followed closely.

"They were our responsibility. They are hurt because of us and because we have not acted quick enough to stop what is going on." I replied. Stepping into the building I could feel the heat of the fire that was spreading and consuming the building. We had to be quick. Even fire could do damage to us. We weren't completely immortal. 

Sidestepping the ceiling that was falling in I led the way weaving around the damage. I searched through the heavy smoke for any signs of life. Glancing back I saw Jane starting to freeze up at the flames.

"Demetri. Get Jane out of here." 

Demetri followed my gaze to my sister who was backing away from the flames and starting to fold in on herself. "Please hurry, Alec. You know she cannot lose you. It would kill her." He moved away from my side and scooped Jane up into his arms and backed track out of the building.

"They were right. They said you'd come for that pretty little toy of yours."

I froze at hearing a voice. I couldn't see anyone around me. "Where is she?"

"To think one of the greatest soldiers for the Volturi is sleeping around with a mortal girl. How sickening." The voice was taunting me.

"Alec!" Sophia screamed my name. "Behind you!"

I moved quickly out of the way to see the thing that tried to attack me. It didn't even look human. Half its body was nothing but melted flesh and part of its face was missing. It had hold of Sophia. She looked hurt and her lab coat was stained with blood. 

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