Spider Trip

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Fly - Yo, dude, if you're gonna eat me, can you hurry up and do it already? I mean, what's the point in capturing me, if all you're going to do is sit in the corner all night? Geez, it's not like I had important things to do tonight.

Aaron - There's a spider over there.

Fly - And?

Aaron - I don't like spiders.

Fly - And?

Aaron - What do you mean, and? That's it. I don't like spiders.

Fly - To be honest mate, neither do I. For some strange reason, spiders dig me. I don't know, maybe I taste like chicken to them. Do I?

Aaron - Uh, what?

Fly - Do I taste like chicken?

Aaron - I don't know, man. I've never tasted a fly before. Wait, why am I talking to a fly?

Fly - Really? Wow, that's a first. I've never met a spider who's never eaten a fly before. It's a pleasure to meet you. So, I'm like, going to be the first fly you try?

Aaron - What? No! I don't eat flies.

Fly - A vegetarian spider, now that is a first.

Aaron - Spider? What do you keep saying spider for man? I hate spiders!

Fly - A spider who hates spiders, I've seen it all now.

Aaron - Wait, what? I'm not a spider.

Fly - Really? What's with the eight legs then?

Aaron - Eight wha... Oh crap! I'm a spider! I'm a spider! I'm a spider!

Fly - Well, no shit. That's what I've been trying to tell you.

Aaron - I'm a spider!

Fly - Yes, I know.

Aaron - But I'm a spider!

Fly - This is getting boring now. Can you hurry up and eat me already?

Aaron - I'm a spider!

Fly - Yes, we've already established this.

Aaron - Why?

Fly - I don't know, but if you're not gonna eat me, can you help me out of this web? There's a rubbish bag over there, with my name on it.

Aaron - Argh! That spiders moving. Oh crap, it's walking in my direction. Shoo! Go away! I'll crush you.

Fly - Hey, help me out of this web and we'll both crush it.

Aaron - I'm a spider, there's a spider walking towards me and I'm a spider!

Fly - And I'm just chillin on this web.

Kevin - Yo, Aaron, wake up man.

Aaron - I'm a spider! I'm a spider! I'm a...human again! That was one trippy dream.

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