The Planets

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Sun - Guess what I've just heard?

Earth - I swear if it's another conspiracy theory about how I'm ending, I'll...I'll...

Mars - Explode?

Earth - I wouldn't give you the satisfaction.

Sun - It's not another conspiracy theory.

Mars - Don't tell me, Saturn's lost her ring?

Saturn - Not likely.

Sun - Guess again.

Venus - oh I know what it is. They've made another song about me. Am I right, or, am I right?

Sun - Uh, you're wrong.

Venus - Why not? I am a Goddess, you know.

Mars - Yeah, the Goddess of fools.

Venus - The Goddess of love, actually!

Mars - Exactly!

Sun - Can we get back to guessing what I've just heard please?

Moon - They've made another nursery rhyme about me?

Venus - Why would they do that, when they could sing about me instead?

Jupiter - I do believe I've been mentioned in a song too.

Mars - Yeah well, I can go one better, I've had a chocolate bar named after me.

Milky way - So have I.

Galaxy - And me.

Mercury - I have the same name as a chemical element.

Pluto - I've had a dog named after me.

Neptune - My name was on Sponge Bob. Just thought I'd join in.

Saturn - It's Uranus I feel sorry for.

Jupiter - Ugh, he's such an ass.

Mars - Yeah, he smells like one too.

Uranus - Yeah, yeah, enough with the jokes already!

Sun - Again, can we please get back to guessing what I've heard?

Moon - It better not be another landing.

Earth - I've heard they want to make life on Mars.

Mars - Oh you'd love that, wouldn't you?

Earth - Of course.

Mars - Hell would freeze over before I look like you!

Earth - Well, it looks like there's a snowstorm heading hells way.

Jupiter - Will you two can it, before I throw a meteor at the pair of you!

Earth - I'm just saying.

Jupiter - Pluto, if you ever fancy trading places with one of us, just give me a holler.

Pluto - I think I'll pass. I don't want any landings done on me.

Mars - you don't need to worry. I don't they'll be interested in dwarf planets.

Sun - Uh, excuse me? Yeah, the flaming ball of fire over here, remember me? Can we please get back to guessing?

Mercury - This is getting boring now.

Saturn - I agree. Sun, can't you just tell us?

Sun - Fine! So, there I was, minding my own business, shining...

Mars - Sun, we just want the answer, not an essay!

Sun - Uh, I had to listen to you lot bicker over who's better than who, so you have to listen to my essay. As I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted... Shining my gorgeous rays over everyone, when I heard someone say, and I quote, 'the sun's hot today'.

Mars - And?

Sun - That's it. Someone said I was hot. Can you believe that? They think I'm hot!

Mars - Well no shit, there was me thinking you were as cold as ice!

Venus - Ugh, that's nothing, I'm the God...

All the planets in unison - Yes, Venus, we know! You're the Goddess of love!

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