Chapter 26 Summer Festival

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So Genya got a perfect score on his next test because of the tutoring and Zenitsu, Tanjiro and, somehow, Inosuke got close to a perfect score. I got 99%, not to brag. Genya also got back his tickets for the game stalls at the summer festival.

The next day, Zenitsu asked me to go to the festival with him. I was overjoyed honestly. I really wanted to go with him. Tanjiro brought Kanao and Inosuke brought Aoi. Nezuko kind of just tagged along and so did Genya, of course.

It was the day of the summer festival. We were all walking there and saw all of the amazing lanterns and games and shops.

"What the hell is this place?" Inosuke said, "it looks boring."

"It's the summer festival Inosuke." Aoi replied, "the place that you asked me out to?"

"Where are all the roller coasters and stuff?!"

........... roller coasters?

"There aren't usually any roller coasters at festivals, Inosuke." Tanjiro said.

"What kind of festival doesn't have roller coasters!?"

I think for a second

"Are you talking about a carnival?" I ask.

"Carnivals and festivals are the same thing!" Inosuke screams.

"No they're not!" Zenitsu screamed, "a festival is a celebration and a carnival is just for fun!"

"I don't wanna go anymore!" Inosuke screamed.

"What if I buy you some food?" Aoi asked.

"They have food?" Inosuke sounded intrigued.

"That's one of the main things they have here." Aoi replied.

Inosuke immediately grabbed her hand and started sprinting into the crowd, head butting anyone who got in his way.

"I think he'll like it here." I said and giggled, "hey, where's Genya?"

"Oh, he probably went off to go use his tickets at the game stalls." Tanjiro said.

"Oh that makes sense."

"Okay! Enough talking! Let's have fun!" Zenitsu said, pulling my hand into the crowd.

I laugh and I see the dancers dancing and stop to look at them.

"Hey, Zenitsu, look" I said pointing, "I wonder how long they had to practice to get that good."

He smiles and stands next to me. "I don't know but I'm surprised you're so impressed since you could do that easily."

I laugh, "don't flatter me, there's no way I could ever do that."

Zenitsu nudges me a little. "Of course you could. You're really talented."

I hold my arm and smile and blush a little.

"OH GOD ARE YOU OKAY!?" Zenitsu screams, holding my arm, "I didn't mean to nudge you that hard!"

I look a little shocked, "I'm fine. It didn't hurt." I said,trying to calm down.

He tries to catch his breath.

"Okay, good."

The dancers looked so beautiful. Their colors were blinding and their outfits flowed perfectly. It was mesmerizing. I see Zenitsu staring at me.


He quickly looks away.


I giggle. He's so goofy.

High school Sweethearts Kimetsu Academy Zenitsu x readerWhere stories live. Discover now