Chapter 13 Nerves

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Next, we had PE. I can't stand PE but today, for some reason, I wasn't all that worried. The guys may look at me strangely but knowing I have friends like Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu really comforts me because I know that they wouldn't hurt me. I was about to get into my PE clothes when Mr. Tomioka stopped all the girls.

"The PE girl uniform was changed due to recent events." He said and handed each of us a new uniform, "you all will be wearing these now."

I looked at it. It was much better. The shorts were much longer and baggy and so was the shirt. I still wasn't 100% comfortable so I still stuck pretty close to Kanao and Aoi the whole time. Tanjiro Zenitsu and Inosuke walked up to us.

"Hey Kanao! Hey y/n! Hey Aoi!" Tanjiro greeted us. "Looks like they changed the uniform! That's good! You seem much more comfortable y/n!"

"Oh I am!" I said to Zenitsu and Tanjiro, "thank you guys so much for the other day! I really don't know what I would have done without you!" I hugged them both.

"No need to thank us y/n!" Zenitsu stammered, "any man would have done it!"

"That's not true at all!" I said, "I've had that happen to me time and time again but no one ever bothered to help me. You were the only people that ever stood up for me."

Tanjiro smiled sweetly, still wrapped in my hug with Zenitsu, "I'm just happy that you're safe and comfortable."

I guess, when Inosuke saw me hugging Tanjiro and Zenitsu, he felt left out because he grabbed me and squeezed me, lifting me off the ground.

We both playfully laughed.

"Inosuke, what are you doing?" I chuckled.

Zenitsu then started pulling at Inosuke to let me go, "what the hell! Let her go!"

Inosuke then threw me over his shoulder and started running around with me. Zenitsu chased after him as I watched and laughed until my stomach hurt. Eventually, Tomioka sensei saw what was going on and stopped it and tried to get Inosuke in detention. I had to explain to him that I was totally okay with what was going on and that there was no need to worry. I got Tomioka sensei to let Inosuke off with a warning.

We finished PE and Zenitsu walked with me to the locker rooms.

"Yay! Biology is next!" Zenitsu said to himself.

"Biology? But you hate biology."

"Yeah... I'm not that good at it.... But Ms. Kocho makes it so worth it!" He cheers.

I chuckle, "Ms. Kocho does make it worth it, huh?" I say, "she is a really nice teacher. Even though I don't understand biology one bit, she makes it easy to pass. She's a genuinely good person though, I wouldn't say she's my favorite."

"What!? How is she not your favorite!?"

"Well, there's a lot of good teachers at this school."

"Well, how far is Ms. Kocho on the list?" He asked

"What list?"

"The list of teachers? You don't have a list of teachers from least favorite to favorite?"

I stared at him, " can't say I do..... never thought about it."

"Oh.... Well then make one right now." He said.

"Alright...." I sat and thought for a second.

"Well, Mr. Shinazugawa is definitely my least favorite, though he's somewhat nice to me. Once I saw him throw that kid out of the window, I was terrified of him. Next is Mr. Iguro probably. Mr. Iguro won't even let me get near him to ask a question so I don't think he likes me very much."

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