Chapter 9 I'm in Love!

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I woke up to an empty bed again. I wonder where Zenitsu went. Wait..... I just slept over at a boy's house! This is not happening! My dad's gonna kill me! I ran out of Zenitsu's room and down the stairs to the front door.

"Y/n, where are you going?" Zenitsu walked out of the kitchen and to the front door worried.

"My parents must be worried sick about me! I have to go!"

"Oh! Don't worry! I already went to your house last night and talked to your mom. She said it was fine."

"You went to my house?"

"I mean, yeah. I couldn't have let a girl stay over at my house without her parents permission."

I blush a little and smile.

"At least it's not a school day."

He smiles back at me.

"I'm making pancakes for breakfast. What do you like on yours? I have a bunch of fruits I can put in the batter for you."

"Do you have bananas?"

"Yeah, you want banana pancakes?"

" Yes please."

He smiles at me and goes over to the stove to make the pancakes.

"Oh! Y/n, I was just wondering if you wanted to spend the rest of the day at my house. Yesterday was so fun that I thought that we could watch a movie."

"Okay but I'll have to go over to my house to take a shower and get new clothes and stuff. I'm still wearing my uniform from yesterday."

"Oh! You can take a shower here! When I went over to your house the other day, your mom told me that I should probably get you some new clothes and shower supplies and so I did. They're in my bag on the dresser."

I sat down at the table.

"Wow, you really thought this through."

I took out my phone to text my mom that I was going to hang out with Zenitsu for the rest of the day.

"Yeah, and I was thinking that maybe, if you're up to it, we could have our date tomorrow." Zenitsu said.

"Oh, I can't tomorrow. I have a sleepover with Nezuko, Makomo, Kanao, Aoi, Kiyo, Naho, and Sumi."

"Oh.... Well then we could do it on maybe Friday."

"That sounds good!" I said to him, "where are you taking me?" I ask him.

"What do you mean?"

"For our date. Where are you taking me for our date?"

"Oh ummm..... let's see...." He said, "There's so many things that I would love to do with you. It's hard to pick." I see him pick something out of his pocket, " we could have a pillow fort movie night or we could check the weather and see if it's going to rain. If it is we could go on a rainy day walk or-"

"Wait....." I walk over to him as he stuffs what he was holding back in his pocket. I take it out. It was my list.....

I look up at him. He stared at me nervously. I tried not to blush. This is so embarrassing.....

"I see that you found some other things besides clothes in my room....," I said shyly.

"No! Don't worry! I wasn't sneaking around or anything! It was Inosuke! He followed me to your house and ran into your room before I could stop him and found it. I would never disrespect your privacy like that!"

"You still took it...." I said

"I'm sorry.... I just....."

I smile at him.

High school Sweethearts Kimetsu Academy Zenitsu x readerWhere stories live. Discover now