Chapter 19 Love Sick

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(Zenitsu's POV)

Another day where I get to wake up in the presence of my beautiful, wonderful y/n! Every day that starts off like that is a perfect day! Tomioka sensei could beat me with his wooden bamboo sword and I wouldn't mind as I got to see y/n that day! Every day I feel like we get closer and closer and it makes me so happy! I can't wait to see her at my school today and we can finally enjoy a lunch together since last time, it was cut short by that jerk, Mr. Uzui.......... Rot in hell Mr. Uzui.

Today I was running behind to get to school. Y/n probably left her house with Tanjiro already............. I didn't get to walk her to school today............Tanjiro....... You bastard....... I know if it weren't for you she would be walking by herself........... But still! How dare you! YOU ALWAYS HAVE SUCH CLOSE QUALITY TIME WITH HER! I ENVY YOU!

I decided that I would wait for her train to come so I could greet her there. I just want to see her as quickly as possible. I can't miss another second with her. Finally, her train was here.


She wasn't there with Tanjiro and Nezuko that morning.

"Tanjiro! Where is y/n! Don't tell me you let her walk herself to school!"

"No, don't worry. She's not going to school today. She's sick."

............sick? No no no no! Not my y/n! She can't be sick!


"Yeah, she honestly looked terrible. I felt bad. He mom and dad both had work and her 2 little brothers were at school so she was taking care of herself. She insisted that she was okay and she's a pretty independent girl so I don't think there's a need to worry."


"I guess it is a little brutal to take care of yourself when you're sick. I've never had to do that before..."

From that moment, I knew what I had to do. I knew y/n would be mad if I skipped school just to take care of her so....... To make it easier for her....... I'll do all of her work and homework today and every day until she gets better. I'M GONNA WORK MY ASS OFF AND SHOW HER HOW MUCH I LOVE HER!

That entire day was hell. I was focusing as hard as I could every second. Y/n is the top of the class in 3 of our classes (English, Music and Math) so I have to live up to those standards so her grades don't drop! Thankfully, since I borrow her notes so often, I've memorized her handwriting.........I mean...... it's not like I....... Take pictures of her notes just so I can learn to write like her.... For this exact occasion or anything or...... it's not like I..... write love notes to myself in her handwriting to make it look like she's writing to me or anything....... I don't do that......


After a whole day of working my absolute hardest....... And a lot of cheating off Tanjiro....... And sneaking into the school classrooms to change her grades to straight As...... and...... almost getting caught by Mr. Shinazugawa...... and having to wait for his closet my whole lunch period.... So I didn't get caught..... I cried. That was terrifying. But finally, I was done with school and Y/n had better grades than before!

"Hey Zenitsu." Tanjiro said, "we're were you during lunch? Genya sat with us today and you missed him."

"Oh it's not important....... Hehehe...." I chuckled awkwardly.

"Oh, okay..... well, I was gonna go check up on y/n while I walk to my house. You wanna join me?"

"Start walking without me, I need to go do something really quick."

High school Sweethearts Kimetsu Academy Zenitsu x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن