Chapter 16 Concert

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(Zenitsu's POV)

After school, I promised that I would practice my solo with y/n but I was so nervous! I can't even get a full lyric out without slipping up! Did Mr. Kyogai really have to choose a love song for us to sing at the winter concert? At least I get to do it with y/n.

I get to the music room we're we decided to meet up and I hear her playing with the keys on the piano. I walk into the room. She has that cute focused look she always has when she's thinking about something.

"You play piano?" I ask and she quickly looks over. I think I startled her.

"Oh! Hey uh- no I don't but I wish I could, can you?"

I pause. "Well, I never tried but I do know a handful of instruments, though I mostly know string instruments."

"A piano is a string instrument" she said

"It is?"

She opens up the piano to show me that there were strings inside.

"Huh.... I never knew that....."

"Well what instruments do you play?"

"Well, I can play Shamisen and koto. It's pretty easy since I have perfect pitch. I can usually play a song after one listen."

She looked shocked. "Wow, you have perfect pitch and you can play after just one listen? I'm impressed! I've wanted to have perfect pitch my whole life!"

"You don't have perfect pitch?"

She giggles. "Not at all."

"You sound pretty perfect to me." I said and she smiled a little.

"I mean- your singing..... it's good...... I can't imagine How much voice training you must have had."

"I've never had voice training before....." she said with a smile.

"That's a lie."

"No it's not. It's just genetics. My moms a good singer too."

"That's incredible.... You sound like you've been singing your whole life."

"Well, I have been.... Just not professionally. Just for fun"

I smile. She's really amazing. I can tell she's passionate about it too. I play with the keys on the piano for a moment and she then sits beside me, searching for a certain key. She then started playing around with the pitches. It sounds like she's trying to play something but she was struggling to find the right rhythm and note. I then started to recognize that she was attempting to play the song that we were practicing for the concert. She only has a fraction of the song down but most of her notes were correct or really close to being correct. It was impressive to play just by ear.

"Have you ever played an instrument before?" I ask

"Does voice count?"

I giggle, "not really..."

She smiles "than no"

"Well this is really impressive." I said, "can I try something?"

She moved over. "Sure"

I sat on the piano bench with her and slowly started running my fingers down the keys, listening to every note and taking note of where they were. I then take a breath as I think of the song for the concert.


I started to play the song that we were going to perform for the concert and sing my solo. I was trying so hard not to blush or let my voice crack because I'm nervous. She then joined in with her solo. I can't believe she's not pitch perfect. Her singing was so smooth and effortless. It sounds like what the wind feels like. It takes so many forms and it complements the lyrics beautifully.

High school Sweethearts Kimetsu Academy Zenitsu x readerWhere stories live. Discover now