Chapter 2 I'm Late!

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When Tanjiro offered to walk me home, my heart almost flew out of my mouth. I was so happy! I've never thought a guy would be so nice to me on my first day of school! I wanted to give him something. Something special! What could I possibly do though!? Chocolate! Everybody loves chocolate! It's getting close to Valentine's day too so everyone will be getting chocolates so I'll just say it's a friendly friendship chocolate! Then no one will suspect a thing! Not a single person! Wait.... What if everyone sees me only give chocolates to Tanjiro..... I'll be done for...

Think! Think!

I got it! Tomorrow morning, I'll wake up early and go to the shop. I'll find some chocolates for all of my friends I met today, plus some new ones I will meet tomorrow. Then, I will buy a fresh, big, pricy chocolate for Tanjiro to show him how appreciative I was of what he did for me today and then I'll get a nice chocolate for Genya, since I bothered him so much the other day. I'm a genius!

I wake up the next morning, get dressed and bolt out the door. I had to have enough time to find the perfect chocolate for Tanjiro. I found a nice small bag of chocolate for the rest of my friends and a decent sized one for Genya but I couldn't find a perfect chocolate for Tanjiro. I had to do something, and fast. I'll just buy the most expensive chocolate then! That had to be the best! It was 8,000 yen. It's not cheap. It may be just one chocolate but it's giant! It's the size of my head! I bought all of my items and hid all the chocolates in the bag the store gave me. I also brought some ice packs so they didn't melt throughout the day! My parents are going to question why I spent about 11,000 yen on chocolate but it's almost Valentine's day! It's a special occasion!

I rushed to the train station. I'm gonna be late for school, aren't I? I really hated riding the train to school. There are so many creeps. I then look behind me to see this one freak that bothers almost every lady at school. The one difference about this time though is..... He has no pants on. I immediately jumped up and ran to the other side of the train. What the hell am I supposed to do?!

Thankfully, my stop was there in a couple of minutes and I was able to get off. Turns out, Tanjiro was on the same train that I was on. He was just on the opposite side of it so I didn't see him until we were at the train station.

"Y/n! Are you okay? You look scared!" Tanjiro said.

"There's a pervert on the train-"

Tanjiro immediately went back on the train to track down the pervert. Tanjiro came out of the train, dragging the pervert and waiting with him until the police arrived. He really is amazing. He's so willing to help people.

The train station officer then apologized for the inconvenience and gave Tanjiro and I a letter explaining why we were late. I wanted to give Tanjiro my chocolate then, but I didn't think it was the right time. We then got to the gate of the school where we saw Zenitsu looking scared while standing at the front gate. Turns out he was late too. He overslept from reading too much manga.

"Where's Nezuko chan?" Zenitsu asked

"She got to school before I did. Y/n chan was getting harassed by a pervert so I helped her out and caught the guy! That's why we're both late, though we were both already running behind." Tanjiro explained.


"Apparently the guy on the train." I said walking with Tanjiro, "Anyway, see you inside."

"WAIT!" Zenitsu grabbed onto Tanjiro. "Tomioka sensei is already on patrol! I know I'll get yelled at! So will you guys! I'm scared to go alone!"

"We won't get yelled at, we have letters explaining what happened." Tanjiro said.

High school Sweethearts Kimetsu Academy Zenitsu x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang