Chapter 25 Study Buddy

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(Zenitsu's POV)

I was walking with Tanjiro and Inosuke about to go to lunch. Y/n was staying behind because she was having a conversation with Nezuko at the moment. All of a sudden, Genya bursts through the door.


The kid almost gave me a heart attack. I fell to the floor.

"Oh hey Genya!" Tanjiro said, not seeming to be phased by Genya's loud entrance. Inosuke didn't flinch either. Am I the only person who nearly died!?

"I need a favor from you guys." Genya said.

We sat down at lunch and Genya started explaining his situation.

"I need help studying for my next test in math. We're having a big test on the last day of summer school and I need to get a good score on it."

"And why can't you just go ask the math monster at your house?" I ask

"DON'T CALL MY BROTHER A MATH MONSTER!" Genya screamed, "and I can't ask him for help! I got in an argument about him with grades and that's why I need your help!"

"Oh geez, you got in a fight with that guy?" I asked

"What happened?" Tanjiro asked.

"My last score wasn't good enough. He said he'll confiscate all of the free tickets for the festival stalls I've been collecting for the summer festival at the end of the month if I don't get my grades up."

"Oh, those tickets that make you play games for free?" Tanjiro asked.

"Yeah, I wanna win the entire set of prizes at the shooting gallery stall for free."

"Don't worry! We'll help you! What was your rank on the final?" Tanjiro asked.


...... are you kidding me?! 13th?! I was 47th, Tanjiro was 28th and Inosuke was 72nd and he's asking for our help!? Inosuke and I couldn't help but immediately attack him after that!

We pin him to the floor.

"DON'T FUCK WITH ME YOU ASSHOLE!" Inosuke screamed

"THERE'S NOTHING WE CAN DO FOR YOU!" I scream as well.

"Be quiet over there!" Aoi screamed as we wrestled Genya on the floor

"We're sorry!" Tanjiro said, slightly embarrassed.

Genya gets up off the floor.

"Listen guys, I know you guys aren't of any use to me. Math is just my weak subject. I just need you guys to put me in touch with someone who can help me."

"Well then, why not ask a senpai for help?" Tanjiro asked.

"Yeah, what about Aoi?" Inosuke asked, "hey Aoi! Come over here!"

"No!" Genya said, "no girls, definitely no girls."

"Well, sorry to break it to you Genya, but there aren't many Senpais that aren't girls and are willing to help. Murata may want to but he's doing his soccer championships right now so he's busy." I say

"Hey Genya?" Tanjiro said, "what about a girl that you're a little more familiar with? A girl that you've talked to before like y/n?"

My heart dropped. There is no fucking way I'm letting this bastard near my y/n.

"Uh- actually- eh- y/n isn't a good teacher..... hehe..." I said.

"But Zenitsu, doesn't she help you at least twice a week with your homework and studies?" Tanjiro asked, "I thought you passed the last biology test you were scared of because of her."

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