Chapter 4 A Change of Heart

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Today is the day before Valentine's Day and I still don't have a valentine..... like every other year. I would want to ask out Tanjiro but I don't think that he would say yes. Oh well. Maybe next year. I feel tears start to fall down my cheeks as I quickly wipe them away. It really hurts. I'm in highschool now and I've still never had a valentine. I'm so tired of this. I stop crying and leave my house to see Tanjiro and Nezuko standing there waiting for me.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked

"After the train incident the other day, I assumed that you didn't want to ride the train alone so I decided to wait for you." Tanjiro said with a smile.

"I didn't mean to take so long."

"It's fine! Don't worry about it!"

He's so nice to me... It's like torture for my heart knowing that someone else likes him. I need to just ask if he's asking anyone to be his valentine so my heart will stop hoping already.

"Sooooo...... Are you asking anyone to be your valentine this year?"

"Huh, I haven't thought about it much. Maybe I will..." He said.

"Is there anyone that you would like to ask out?"


Nezuko and I stare at him intensely.

"I guess... I would ask.... Maybe.... Kanao."

Nezuko smiled. She was glad that her friend was getting the man that she wanted, even if it was her brother.

"But I'll have to think about it."

"Well, it's your last day to do it!" I said, "better get to it!"

Tanjiro smiled and I smiled back.

This hurt so bad. It felt like my heart was being shredded but for some reason it didn't hurt as bad as I thought.

"Oh! Y/n! I'm curious, who did you end up giving that chocolate to? You know, the one literally the size of your head?" Nezuko asked

Aw man, what do I say? What if Nezuko was lying the other day and she actually does like Zenitsu and I walked home with him the other day and everything! This is bad!

"Oh! She ended up giving it to Zenitsu!" Tanjiro said

Tanjiro!!! Shut up!

"Zenitsu was really really happy about it! He's been trying to change things about himself all year so he can attract more girls and get chocolates since he got none last year. He was super happy when you let him walk you home as well but he said that you were pretty upset about something." Tanjiro said, "I was up on call with him all night. He couldn't stop talking about you y/n! You made him so happy the other day! He wanted to call you but he thought that you might be sleeping."

"Really?" I asked

Tanjiro nodded his head.

"That's so sweet!" Nezuko said, shaking me.

I couldn't help but smile a little when Tanjiro said that.

We finally got to our school. Zenitsu was part of the disciplinary committee so he had to stand in front of the school and make sure everyone was following the dress code. He sees me and his eyes light up.

"Hey y/n!" He screamed.

"Hey Zenitsu! How are you?!" I asked as I walked by.

"I'm great!" He said waving.

He's a nice guy.

I sat down in my homeroom class. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever been to my homeroom since I'm usually a little late. My homeroom is with Mr. Himejima sensei.

High school Sweethearts Kimetsu Academy Zenitsu x readerWhere stories live. Discover now