Talk It Out (Part 2)

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Nico caught up with the son of Jupiter who was delighted to hear that the son of Apollo was taking great care of him. A bit too delighted in fact but I let it go as he knew of his sexuality and of seeing him ok.

I wanted to make sure to leave a good impression of Will to make sure that the two overprotective idiots didn't want to hurt Solace . I didn't even have to lie because Will was generous and kind although annoying about my health, it showed he cared. Also it was against his morals to lie as his father was the god of truth, he'd only lie when necessary. Will was kind, loving and held a light in my life that I didn't know of. If it wasn't obvious, I've liked Will ever since my first time at camp. He helped me and loved playing Mythomagic with me, no matter how annoying I was. He understood when I lost Bianca (Nico told him at lunch while eating as Will had served Nico Bianca's least favorite, Mac and Cheese. She thought that it was unhealthy and coincidence that it was yellow like Apollo) Will had lost family like Lee Fletcher and Michael Yew. I imagine Will wouldn't return my feelings so I never said anything to confess as I would be fine with keeping Will as a friend. I can't handle the rejection from his, Percy's would be okay since I've moved on but if he found it out, he would do something stupid out of pity.

We kept talking until we heard shouting and it was coming from the room that the two were in. Which concerned both boys since they knew how Percy got and how Will got when he got upset.

"-amazing in his own way even if he is dark and brooding a lot. And I..I've liked Nico since the first time he came. Not that he knows." Said Will although the last bit was a bit muffled.

Leaving Nico a bit shell shocked and embarrassed. The other boys however were pleased and surprised with the reaction but satisfied none' the less.

P: I think that tells me all I need to know and that he needs to know.

W: Who? Said Will looking to see the door open with a dark blush coating Nico's face and Jason's fangirling but also admiring face.

N: W..We heard screaming and thought something bad happened but it doesn't seem to be the case. I need to lay down.

Said Nico walking out quickly to leave him alone with his thoughts , leaving a red faced Will with two fangirling boys of the big three.

I'm very confused now. I thought he was like the rest, good looking but too good to be gay. I want to be alone with my thoughts to process this. SHould I confront him? No, right? He would need to confront me himself so he can go over it himself. Speaking of Will, Should I cut? I haven't in a while but with the monsters, it's best I don't and Will would be on my tail more if he realized. Where am I?

He was brought out of his thoughts as he forgot where he walked off to. He passed the border of camp but in the forest. And they are deep, monsters lurk through them trying to find rogue demigods to kill. A telkhine, much to Nico's dislike, found her way to him.  


Not a lot that's new. I know.

Sorry, I've been getting writers block and I did promise to update.


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