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"I think Taylor would do anything if he thought it was in the best interest of the colony."

(Scene with the Sixers.)
(Scene with Taylor and Boylan.)

How many of these do we have to make? Josh asks.

"A few." Maddy tells him. "Okay eight.. Ten." She chuckles. "But it beats digging trenches, doesn't it?"

"Cleaning the hair catcher in your shower beats digging trenches, Maddy." He tells her.

"You're disgusting." She says.

"Well, between trenches, hair catchers and pretty lanterns, i say we celebrate this Harvest Carnival, huh?"

"Harvest Festival." Maddy corrects him.

"And everybody celebrates the day Commander Taylor came through the portal." Zoe says.

"That was good." Maddy tells him.

Jim walks in the door.

"Hey." Elisabeth says

"Hi." He greets. "What's all this?"

"Guess who got the lead in the Harvest play." Elisabeth says.

"Me." Zoe says excitedly looking at him with the fake beard.

"No!" Jim smiles.

"Yeah. Our is gonna be playing none other than Commander Taylor himself." Elisabeth says proudly.

"How about that!" Jim says, then gestures to his jaw. "This is very convincing." He tells her.

"It will be. We're gonna paint it grey." Elisabeth says.

"Where's Liam?" Maddy asks.

"Gave him the day off. He's got a date with Y/n." Jim tells him and Elisabeth jump excited.

"Really!? Yes." She cheers and high five Zoe.

"Dad, can I talk to you?" Josh asks him.

"Yeah, you're still grounded. Good talk, son."

"I know. Can i talk to you in private, please?"

(Scene with Josh and Jim.)
(Scene with Mark and Taylor, then Jim.)
(Scene with Jim and Boylan.)

You bring Liam outside the fence, you had a small picnic and afterwards walk him to the waterfall.

Not explaining anything you just start undressing and Liam looks at you with raised eyebrows. Once just in your underwear you look at him, finding him staring at you. You chuckle and put a hand on your hips.

"You going to swim in your clothes?" You ask.

His eyes move to yours and widen in panic at having stared at you like an idiot. Clearing his throat, he starts to undress and you chuckle at him.

You walk closer to the edge. Peering over the edge before turning back to him. Only your eyes widening, as you see him in just his boxers, now you stare at him.

He looks up from having put his shirt and pants by your clothes and sees you staring. He chuckles and copy you, by putting a hand on his hips, raising an eyebrow.

You look up at his face and start laughing, throwing your head back clutching your stomach. Liam laughs with you and enjoys that sweet sound leaves your lips. He loved it.

"I'm sorry. I just did not see that. I mean, I knew you strong but geez.." You say gesturing to him, looking him up and down.

"Oh, so you've been imagining me like this." He teases and your eyes widen. You shake your head, trying to hold back your laughter. "Oh, really, never?" He asks coming closer and you bite your lip.

Terra Nova (Oc x reader)Where stories live. Discover now