What Male Percy Jackson charecter are you?

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Question 1: What is your favorite snack?
A. Anything blue
B. Peanut butter
C. Salad
D. Crackers
E. Fruit snacks
F. None of the above

Question 2: What was your favorite Percy Jackson book?
A. The Lightning Thief
B. The Sea of Monsters
C. The Battle of the Labyrinth
D. The Last Olympian
E. I haven't read the books
F. The Titan's Curse

Question 3: Your ranks the school social status:
A. Trouble Maker
B. Geek, nerd or dork
C. Crippled or mentally handicapped
D. Popular
E. Something else
F. Goth

Question 4: Do you want to be a Demi-God?
A. Nope
B. Depends on my godly parent
C. That would rock
D. Sure
E. I already am!
F. Don't care

Question 5: What popular series do you like?
A. I'm not sure/ or I don't read much
B. Divergent
C. Middle School
D. The Hunger Games
E. iFunny
F. City of Bones

Question Six: If you got to pick your godly parent, and it had to be a guy, who would it be?
A. Poseidon
B. Hephaestus
C. Dionysius
D. Ares
E. Hermes
F. I'm not sure.

Question 7: If you got to have a female godly parent, who would it be?
A. Hecate
B. I'm not sure
C. Demeter
D. Athena
E. Aphrodite
F. Artemis

Question 8: Pick a super power.
A. Speak to animals
B. Be able to heal yourself(regeneration)
C. Grow plants
D. Super strength
E. Something else
F. Raise the dead.

Question 9: You see a poor man on the street with one arm, and he has a sign asking for help. What do you do?
A. Give him food and money.
B. I'll give him my peanut butter.
C. Depends.
D. As if he has a worse life
E. I'd probably not notice
F. Walk right past him.

Question 10: who is your favorite super hero?
A. Aquaman
B. Martian Man Hunter
C. None of the above
D. Captain America
E. Iron Man
F. Batman

Question 11: Choose a theme park.
A. Sea World
B. Disney Land
C. No theme parks for me!
D. Six Flags
E. Knots Berry Farm
F. Something else.

Question 12: Your crush just asked you out! You...
A. say, "Uh...I mean...I like you to."
B. "Cool. Me to! Of course, let's get ice cream!"
C. ask "Are you serious? Or are you tricking me?"
D. Start to make out with them
E. Not sure
F. Run away

Question 13: What is your opinion on substitute teachers?
A: They're all evil!
B: I think they're great!
C: You can never tell. When you have one, be on alert!
D. They're gullible and easy to manipulate. I love em'!
E. I'm home schooled
F. Don't care

Question 14: If you had a reality tv show, what would it be called?
A. THE AMAZING LIFE OF ________(your name).
F. I'm not sure

Question 15: What could you not live without?
A. Netflix
B. Your phone
C. Music
D. None of the above,
E. Games(apps)
F. Books

Question 16. If you were going to write a book, what would it be?
A. An adventure
B. ?
C. Animal fiction
D. Action or Romance
E. Comedy
F. Silence Fiction, Fantasy, or Historical fiction

If you got mostly...
A's...your Percy Jackson
B's...your Tyson
C's...your Grover
D's...your Luke
E's...your Connor or Travis Stoll
F's...your Nico Di' Angelo

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