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It was past 3 am... I couldn't sleep cause I was waiting for Jungkook. Ji-Ho was sleeping and I just stared at the front door waiting for him to walk in with that cute bunny smile that made me smile. He didn't come in.

I sighed as I turned the TV on and cleaned everything up on the coffee table. Again, a surprise that I planned was ruined. Just like it happened 5 years ago. The coffee table had two glasses full of wine, plates, silverware, and rose petals scattered on it.

The plan was for me to say thank you for all what he was doing for our little family. I was actually going to tell him I love you and to start over and be together. I guess it was never meant to be.

After I cleaned up everything, I turned the TV off and walked slowly to Ji-Ho's bedroom. Being in my son's arms made everything go away. He was all I needed in my life. The only boy I needed. He was my life. Even if he resembles his father.

I closed my eyes and kissed his head.

"Goodnight my baby. Sweet dreams" I said with tears.

Ji-Ho stirred and wrapped his little arm around my neck. He felt my presence and kissed my nose

"Goodnight mommy... Sweet dreams" he said

I smiled and held my little boy closer to me and fell in a deep sleep.

The next morning, I got up around 7 to get Ji-Ho ready for school. Gave him his medicine and made him eat breakfast. Mina was over Jin's house. And I didn't know when she would be back. Jungkook still didn't come home.

Grabbing my keys and the tumbler full of coffee. Making sure Ji-Ho had everything for school. I haven't driven by myself since the accident. And if Jungkook had found out, he would be pissed. But why do I care. He's just another mistake, a liar.

Arriving at school and giving Ji-Ho a kiss. I watched as he closed the door and ran to his friends. He looked back and waved back at me. His teacher came and he took them to class since it was about to start. Driving out of the school parking lot, I drove carefully to my office where I needed to get everything ready for the upcoming wedding.

My assistant was out taking care of Han's and Jen's wedding. The new wedding I was taking care of was from foreigners. They both live in Canada and they were going to travel here to Korea cause that's where they wanted to have it at. Apparently the bride, is half Korean and her family lives here.

As soon as I opened the door, there was a figure sitting in the chair in front of my desk.

Who the fuck is that?

The person got up and it was him. Jungkook.

"Raina!" He said happily

I walked past him and sat in my chair and opened my laptop. Working as if he wasn't even there. I could feel his eyes on me but I didn't even want to look up at him.

"Did you drive here?" He asked


"Where's Ji-Ho?" He asked


"Did he take his medicine?" He asked


"Raina?" He asked

I looked up into his doe eyes and I looked back down. I had no reason to look into his eyes. All they hold is lies and broken promises.

"I'm working" was all that I said

"Raina... I-I'm sorr--"

"Don't!... Don't fucking say it Jeon" I yelled

He flinched at the sound of my voice and didn't move from his spot.

"Is there anything I can do for you Mr. Jeon?" I asked with my fingers locked into each other.

He furrowed his eyebrows and just stared at me. Nothing coming out of his mouth.

"If that's all, you can leave now" I said getting back to work.

"Raina, please let me speak" I said

I looked back at him and waited for his confession. Which is going to be a fucking lie anyways.

"Please let me explain" he said

"Well, hurry up I got a lot of work to do" I said

Jungkook blinked his eyes a couple of times because of the tone of my voice. I guess he was shocked over how I was acting.

"Um... I.. just...um" he said surprised

"If you have nothing to say .. you can just leave. The door is right there" I said

"Wait! Wait!" He said

"What?? I'm busy right now. I don't have time for all this shit" I said

"I just wanted to say sorry" he said

"I'm tired of your sorry Jungkook. They mean shit!" I yelled

Again he just blinked his eyes faster and I could see tears welling up in his big doe Bambi eyes.

"I'm sorry for not coming home last night something came up and...and I stayed at Jimin's" he said

"Home? You think you live at my house? The one I fucking worked hard for? You have a spare key Jungkook. That's not your home. Your home is at the fucking dorm with the rest of the guys. You don't fucking live at my house. You come and go as you please" I yelled

Jungkook started to sob and he just stood there until he fell onto his knees and covered his face crying.

It broke my heart seeing him this way, but I had to prove a point. He's just going to continue hurting me... No, me and Ji-Ho over and over again.

"You know, I'm tired of my fucking son crying over your stupid ass. He stayed up as long as he could for you to come home. And you fucking didn't. He kept asking constantly about you. When's daddy coming home? Is he going to bath me? Give me my medicine? Will he be here in the morning? That's what he fucking asked me all last night. I had to put him to sleep and he didn't even want me to. He wanted your fucking ass! But, you weren't there. And you know what the fuck up thing was. I had something planned for you. Something set up. I had a fucking surprised for you. But I never got to tell you because YOU WEREN'T THERE! it happened all over again like it did 5 years ago. Who knows what the fuck you were doing. Probably fucking a slut at the club. That's where you guys usually go right? I wouldn't even let you touch me if you fucking slept with one of your skanks. I'm not no sloppy seconds. So whatever you have to tell me I don't want to fucking hear it. Now, what could be sooo fucking important to tell me that's making me stop working on a wedding?" I yelled.

Jungkook just stared at me from the ground and got up. Dusting the fake dirt from his pants. He looked defeated and then he put his head down. Covering his face with his bucket hat.

"I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry" he said

"Sorry doesn't make things better Jungkook. I'm tired of your promises and sorry. They mean shit. Now, please leave!" I demanded

Jungkook met my eyes again and walked out of my office. Once the door closed, I laid my head on my desk and cried my eyes out. Why does it hurt? Why is he doing this to me? Do I mean anything to him? Why does he keep stepping on my heart?

Why the fuck am I so God damn in love with you?

Is It Too Late To Say Sorry? 21+ J.JkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon