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Raina Pov

After about a week or so, Mina was out of the hospital. It was hard... I mean like really fucking hard. But I worked through it. Ji-Ho was home earlier since he had nothing serious.

He acted like he never got hurt. Still the hyper acting kid. His arm didn't bother him not once bit. He acted like it never happened.

Once again, Jungkook wasn't around. He was never here when we needed him. Ji-Ho asked where was he over and over again. And the look in my son's face when I told him that he was busy. Killed me.

Id call or text Jungkook multiple times and he never answered. Which I knew this would happen.

Jin moved in so he could help me. He really did step up as Ji-Ho's father. Was there helping him with his homework, putting him to sleep, doing everything a father should do. And that wasnt fucking Jungkook.

He even told Ji-Ho to call him appa, but my son declined. Ji-Ho would tell him that he has a dad already.

Ji-Ho would wait day and night for Jungkook to call him or come to the house But NOOOO other things are important.
He cried almost everyday. And it killed me over and over again.

I would ask Jin about Jungkook and he hasn't even heard from him.

Though I really don't care....but Ji-Ho does.

Mina and Jin decided to wait on the wedding. Since she just got out of the hospital plus she was pregnant. They wanted to worry about her and the babies health before anything.

Which I don't blame them. If I was in her shoes I would do the exact same thing. Though if everything went perfect how it used to be. Jungkook would be by my side.

A month later, I still haven't heard from Jungkook. A part of me was worried but then it actually made me happy. Does that make me a bitch?

I was planning another wedding for a couple that already grew a custom of. They were perfect, happy, a princes and princess. I felt like I was part of the family cause of hoe comfortable I was with them.

We took a break from their planning and I decided to go to the littler restaurant that is in the venue.

Ordering my food and drink and waiting in line. Someone came up beside me and I was awestruck. He was so fucking handsome!

"So you're the wedding planner that I heard great things about" he said

"Uh..y-yeah.." I said blushing

He chuckled " your cute, you don't have to be shy around me. My name is Lucas" he said holding our hand.

"Raina Kim" I said shaking his hand

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"Raina Kim" I said shaking his hand.

We started talking over a cup of coffee and I found out that he was the brides younger brother.

"So what do you like?" He asked

"I uh .. reading, museums, drawing, you know the basic stuff. Plus being with my son" I said

"Oh, you have a kid?" He asked

Great every guy I talk to always runs away cause they don't want to be with girl who has a kid.

"I have a daughter! Maybe we should get together one day" he said

I smiled so big that my cheeks hurt.

"Id love that" I said

We talked for a little bit more and I had to get back to Lisa and Felix. Me and Lucas exchanged numbers and said goodbye.

The last time I actually dated someone was with Bangchan and that was last year. Ever since then I've been single.

It was already 5pm and I had to meet with the loving couple again in a couple of days. I both hugged them goodbye and headed to my car.

"We meet again" Lucas said

I turned around and smiled

"Yeah I guess so" I said

"Here let me get that for you" he said

"Thanks" I said "such a gentleman"

Lucas opened the driver seat door for me and I got in.

He chuckled

"I try to be, my ex didn't appreciate as much..she hated how I was. She didn't like the whole lovey dovey shit." He said

"Oh I'm so sorry. I wished my ex was like that. But no" I said

"That's messed up. All guys should treat women with respect and kindness. That's how I was raised. Life is too short for all that bullshit." He said

My heart was beating fast I couldn't even control the butterfly in my stomach. The last time I felt this way when me and Jungkook started dating.

"Drive home safe okay? Text me when you get home" Lucas said

I nodded my head still smiling like a fucking idiot.

The whole drive back to my house, I was giddy like a little girl. By the time I got home I pulled my phone out and hit Lucas number.


Hey I made it home

The three bubbles popped up on my screen. It kept appearing and disappearing which meant he was still texting.


Glad you've made it home :) I'll see you tomorrow?


I'll be there at 10.. I'll see you tomorrow :)


Great! Can't wait! 😘



We stopped texting and I got out of my car. How can a guy that I just met make me feel like this. I didn't even realize I was still smiling.

"Ew, don't smile you look like crusty the clown" Mina said

I just started laughing... Usually I don't laugh at her comments..but I was in a good mood.

"Your scaring me! What happened to my bitchy sister??" Mina asked

"I don't know" I said smiling

I put my stuff on the table and went into the fridge to get a drink. The whole time Lucas was on my mind.

"Okay spill the beans " she said

My smile never fazed as I took a sip from my glass and looked at her.

"There's no beans to spill" I said

"I know you too well Rain... Now spill it." She said

"Fine, I met a guy today at work. He was the brides younger brother" I said

"Omg! Did you get his number??" Mina asked

"Mhm, we talked a bit during our break and I told him about Ji-Ho. I thought he'd get freaked out but he didn't. He told me he had a daughter. He wants us to get together with our kids" I said

Mina clapped her hands and squealed.

"Ooo what's his name? Is he hot?" She asked

"His name is Lucas, and oh my God.. he is so fucking sexy!" I said

"Who's sexy?"

My eyes widened at that sound of voice coming from behind me.

He's here? Mina didn't tell me?


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