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Jungkook pov

I really have to stop lying to Raina. It's going to give me no where in life if I keep lying. Well part of what I told her was true. But the part of me saying Hybe was going to fire me was wrong. I guess I just wanted to make her feel sorry for me. Maybe she'll be there and pick me up. Actually be there for me. And hopefully boost me up to try harder. Just so I can be in her presence.

What was I thinking? I should just go back and tell her the truth. Why did I even lie anyways? I'm just burning the bridge every single time with her. It's never going to get repaired with all the bullshit things, lies and promises that I break since the very beginning. No wonder why she doesn't want to give me another shot. For the 3rd time. Because I would fuck it up once again. And if I was her, I'd tell myself to hit the road and don't come back.

But that's the thing, this electric cord is pulling me to her every chance I get. I need, want and to love her for life. I never cheated on her or anything. What more can I do?



Jk where are you?

"Starbucks. You want anything?"

No! But you need to get to the hospital quick!

"What?? Why??? What happened"

Just fucking get here and see for yourself.

My heart was beating fast... Who could be in the hospital?

I got into my car and sped through all the lights. Cars were beeping at me and flicking me off. But I didn't care. I was just worrying who could be in the hospital right now.

As I got to the hospital, Namjoon waved in the air and I parked right in front of him. He rushed to my side and pulled me out of the car.

"Go in now! I'll take care of your car" he said

His eyes were all red an puffy and his nose.

"Joon what happen---"

"GO!" Namjoon chocked out.

I ran like my life depended on it. Going onto the floor Jimin texted me beforehand as soon as I got on the floor. I ran down the hall. All the doctors and nurses were all yelling at me but stopped when I got to everyone else.

"D-daddy" Ji-Ho cried

"Shh it's okay, everything is going to be okay" I said holding him and rubbing his back.

"What happened?" I asked

Jimin and Taehyung both wiped off their tears and snot on their face. Pointing to walk into the room.

I opened the door and almost dropped Ji-Ho. My Raina... What the fuck happened. Jin took my son and closed the door for me. slowly taking my steps to her bed. Where she looked absolutely lifeless.

"B-baby?" I cried holding her hand.

What could've happened? We were just together not too long ago. How did this happen so fucking fast? I laid my head on the hospital bed crying my eyes out as I held her hand.

Please God, don't take her away from me. I know I fucked up our relationship. But, Ji-Ho needs her... I need her. I love her and I'll do anything to see her open her eyes. I'll be a better person... I'll change. Save her.. I can't live without her.

I don't know when I fell asleep but, someone grabbed my shoulder. Which made me jolt up really quick out of my sleep.


I rubbed my eyes still staring at Raina in the hospital bed. Looking over to see Jimin and Taehyung pull me out to get something to eat.

"Namjoon and Jin are going to watch her. Mina take Ji-ho home. You need something to eat" Taehyung said

We waited for our food but the whole time I just kept my head down. I wanted to be with Raina... Not here. I couldnt wait to scarf down my food and just run back to her room.

By the time we sat down at the table. I started to chow down quick until the tray was pulled away from me. Knowing it was Jimin giving me a stern look.

"Don't you fucking dare scarf down your food quick. You think we're dumb jk. Take your time and eat. She's in good hands right now." He said

I just nodded my head and he handed me with the tray of my food back to me. Taking my time eating every bit we sit in quiet. I needed answers.

"How did she get here? What happened?" I asked

They were quiet at first but they had to tell me whether they liked it or not.

"She was in a hit and run. Raina, was at the stop light when the car hit her from behind. Her car ended up in the middle of the intersection cause of the force of the hit the car did in the back. Raina got hit on both sides and in the front. She was out cold. Her car flipped over 3 times. Luckily, a witness saw and called the police. Me and Tae so happened to be around there when we saw the car upside. We recognized Raina's car and ran over there" Jimin said

"Are you sure your not the one that planned this to happen Jimin?" I asked

"What the fuck! No! I'm not that fucking heartless" he yelled

"Well, you hate Raina so much that I figured you would plan this to happen" I said

"I don't necessarily hate her. And I wouldn't fucking try to kill someone cause they piss me off. That would be just pitty as fuck. If you want, take a lie detector test and I will prove to you that I didn't fucking do it" Jimin said angrily

Taehyung looked back and forth between me and Jimin. He didn't know what to say or do. He believes Jimin but then again... Jungkook was right. Jimin and Raina go at it all the times. So this could be something that Jimin planned but he's denying it. Jimin wants Raina out of the picture. This could be the only way.

But what if his speculations are wrong?

Who could've almost kill Raina?

Was it an accident or someone already had this planned out ?

Comment below who you think the mastermind is.

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