A little wicked

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After what seemed like hours, we left the burning Hanging Tree. 

And we both unanimously decided to check on Harvey once Nick left. No argument, no talk at all really. 


We both teleported into his room silently, not wanting to cause a scene. He was sitting on his bed and picking at his lip. A big gust of wind came once we appeared, legs crossed, sitting at the window. 

He turned slowly and looked at both of us. "You two...changed your hair," He commented. "Yeah," We replied in sync. He got up, "Thanks for sending that guy, Nick. He, uh...said you two saved the whole town tonight," He said. "Y/N sent Nick. We were both worried about you," Sabrina said, bumping my shoulder. 

He looked at me and smiled. "Thank you," I nodded as you're welcome. "Saving the town was a...group effort," I gave him a small smile. Sabrina's expression suddenly darkened again, "I wanted to check on you, Harvey," She said. "And apologize, again." "I wanted to apologize, too," I added. "For all the secrets and lies. For Tommy," Sabrina continued. 

"I truly am so sorry," Sabrina expressed. "I know. I know you are," Harvey replied. "So, what if we start over?" He suggested. Brina and I exchange looks, "All three of us. But, mostly me and you," Harvey said to Sabrina. "I don't..." Sabrina began. "I don't think that's such a good idea, Harvey," I said. "I don't know if it's safe for us to be around you," Sabrina said. "Or Susie. Or Ros," I added. 

"Why not?" He asked. "We had to do something tonight...that scares me," Sabrina began. She looked at me, "I don't know about N/N, but it touched something...dark inside me. Too dark," I nodded silently, agreeing. "I love you too much to risk anything bad happening to you." Sabrina whispered. A tear went down my face at their conversation. 

"Can I..." Harvey started but then looked at me. I knew what he was asking as I got up and wrapped my arms around him in a hug. "I'll give you two a moment," and I teleported back home. To our empty, cold room. 

A few moments later, Sabrina joined me in our room. We didn't need to say anything as we both crawled into Brina's bed and put the covers over ourselves. 

"Maybe instead of being afraid of these darker versions of ourselves..." Brina started. "We embrace them," I whispered. She opened her eyes to look at me. "Yeah," She said softly. "I don't know if I can..." She said. "Don't worry about that right now," I said softly. 

"Goodnight, sister," I whispered. 

"Goodnight, sister," She whispered back. 


And that, as they say, was that. 

All things according to his plan. 

However I never really got the credit I deserved. 

Miss Wardwell got up from her seat to go talk to her prisoner. 

"The best and worst things...happen in the shadows," She put her hands on his chair. "Well, this is all a very long-winded way of my telling you that..." She smiled sweetly and sat on his lap. "I'm a very good teacher, Principal Hawthorne. No one but me could have gotten Sabrina so far along the Path of Night," She swiftly and quickly undid his gag that kept him from talking the whole story. 

"Who the hell are you, lady?" He whimpered. "Who am I?" She repeated. "Well, I'm not Mary Wardwell, though I do enjoy her body," She cocked her head. "I'm the Mother of Demons, the Dawn of Doom, Satan's Concubine," Her smile dropped. "I'm Lilith, dear boy," 

"First wife to Adam, saved from despair by a fallen angel. I call myself Madam Satan, in his honor," She replied. "But soon, I'll have a new title. You see," She once again brought her hands to the side of his chair. "once I finish grooming Sabrina to take my place as Satan's foot soldier, I'll earn a crown and a throne by his side." She explained slowly. 

"Who am I?" She repeated once more. She reached up to her hairline and started peeling back the layers of her woman flesh suit to reveal a green, slimy layer to be her true face. 

"I'm the future Queen of Hell.


Stolas squawked in a complaint, it seemed. "Oh, stop squawking and just say it," Lilith rolled her eyes and picked her teeth of human flesh. Stolas's deep, polished voice came out, "Forgive me, madam. But, doesn't it seem as though the Dark Lord is grooming Sabrina to reign at his side, not you?" He asked carefully. 

"Well, the Dark Lord wouldn't betray my eternal service like that, Stolas," She walked over and petted her familiar slowly, "Even if that were true, it would be a very simple way to deal with Sabrina," Stolas's neck snapped as he dropped to the floor, alongside the half-eaten body that Lilith stepped over to make her way out of her house for her next meal. 

What happened next? 

Well, let's look, shall we?

(Y/N is winking at Nick, btw)

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