Bastard children & Boyfriend witchhunters

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Prudence and her sisters trailed behind us as we stepped through the woods of Moon Valley, Brina beside me with Miss Wardwell leading. We stopped at this tree, with objects around it indicating a person was there. "What if she's not at home?" Dorcas asked. "She's always home. Isn't that right, Dezmelda?" Miss Wardwell yelled as an old woman walked out. She had one eye that was too big for her face and a twisted lip, with a scepter that had a small skull in it - perhaps an animal skull. "We're witches, just like you..." Miss Wardwell started. 

"And we seek counsel," I continued, bowing my head. She seemed like a lady who was at least a hundred years old and had been through a lot. She sat us down around her cold fire, as we asked her questions. "What made you run, Dezmelda, from the Dark Lord?" Sabrina asked her. "I didn't run from the Dark Lord. I ran from my High Priest," She countered, her voice sounding like hard gravel. Sabrina and I exchanged looks, "I was a child. All fourteen of us took part in that lottery. Younger than you all," She looked at the sisters, me, and Sabrina. 

"No one questioned why that was, they just deemed it the Dark Lord's will. I was selected to be Queen, and then..." She dipped her head as Miss Wardwell continued for her. "Her High Priest had a...revelation, delivered onto the Dark Lord...allegedly," She continued. "What kind of revelation?" I asked warily. "The night before the Feast, the High Priest was to...initiate her," Miss Wardwell said, which internally made my jaw drop. It shouldn't have surprised me this much but for some reason it did. "I was a child," She said dropping her head once more. 

"What happened then isn't what Father Blackwood is asking of me now." Prudence snapped. "Prudence, listen to your own words," I said carefully. "Father Blackwood is asking you to do this, not the Dark Lord," Brina finished for me. "Father Blackwood is a messenger of the Dark Lord," "So was Dezmelda's High Priest," I explained to her. 

"And he isn't divine. He's human, flesh and blood. Which means that he sins and he has flaws. He can be corrupted, no matter how corrupted he already seems to me." I said the last part quietly. "Are you suggesting Father Blackwood is acting on his own?" Prudence asked in a snobby way. As she always is. "All we're saying is that it's possible," Sabrina countered. "But why? What motive does he have? It's clear that Dezmelda's priest had an agenda. But how would my death serve Father Blackwood? He's treated me like a daughter, raised me, taken care of me." Prudence said firmly. 

"Which makes what he's doing even more insidious!" I almost yelled as Dezmelda nodded along with me. "He isn't doing anything other than carrying out the Dark Lord's will." Prudence looked me and Sabrina in the eye. "But, how do you know that?" Sabrina said quietly. "Because I have faith." She said firmly, again. "And I want to be queen. Why can't you accept that?" She asked quietly again. I sighed deeply, "Because-"

A loud gunshot went off in the distance, shattering the silence. "Who have you brought to this place?" Dezmelda said getting up. "No one, we swear," Miss Wardwell said truthfully. "Go!" She said and ran back inside her hut. 


I stopped beside of deer on the ground, it had been shot by a goblin coming out of the side. "It's a familiar," Agatha said. "Many live in Moon Valley," I continued. "Who would do such a thing?" I asked, reaching down and touching the goblin's face. There was a beat of silence, "Men." Miss Wardwell answered. There were masculine voices coming nearer to us, my head snapped up as well as my body. "We can't let anyone mortals see this," I said quickly. 

Miss Wardwell rolled out a rope and had each of us create a pentagram around the familiar with the rope. "Don't speak. Stay very quiet, make no noise or the cloaking won't take." She said warily. Panting came from behind us as I turned around and saw...Harvey. With a gun in his hand. He didn', he wouldn't...right? "Where the hell is the damn thing?" Harvey's grandpa asked. Harvey then pointed his gun right in Brina's face, and Tommy's gun was right in mine. 

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