A Murder in Greendale

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Agatha's body fell onto the ground, and Sabrina had a blank expression on her face, I tried to school my face into a blank-satisfied expression like hers but I only ended up staring at her body. I moved over to my spot next to Nick again, looking at him and then forcing the next words out of my mouth to make sure the spell ended up working. 

"The Hounds invoked. The door opened. The price paid in blood." I kept blinking at the scene around me, trying to keep my eyes on the ground instead of on Nick or Prudence or even Dorcas. I guess to try and avoid the fact that I just slit someone's throat, even if they would only be that way for a few minutes. "Thomas Kinkle, we entreat thee. Rise." I closed my eyes. "Rise." I yelled up at the sky, begging the Dark Lord or whoever controls the universe to make this work. "Rise!"

I just killed someone.  


Nick and Prudence brought Agatha's body to the Cain pit, where we dug a grave beforehand for Agatha's body. They threw her in the grave with a loud thud of her body, "Cover her all the way up," I ordered, not letting any emotion show. I had let silent tears fall on my way over here, no one saw them so they thought I still had full confidence of this working. "Why are we burying her here? Why not just bury her in the woods?" Dorcas questioned, looking frantically at all of us. Sabrina gave Prudence a look as she dragged us both to a bench outside the Cain pit to talk. 

"Are you okay?" Sabrina asked, sounding a bit sympathetic. I gave her a 'are you crazy' look, "I just killed someone!" I whisper-shouted, not letting my posture falter one bit. "She's about to be brought back. And I did the same thing as you," She said, still rubbing my back. "Your acting like we both didn't just slit someone's throat!" I whisper-shouted again. 

"She's gonna be back in a few minutes! This is gonna work," She tried to sound convincing. But, even her confident tone had a bit of hesitation in it. My head was clouded, it was like I knew what was happening but I didn't at the same time. But, I pulled it together as soon as Ambrose came out hissing, "Y/N! Sabrina!" "Oh, shit," We both said at once. 

We explained everything to him, and he looked like his brain might burst out of his body out of frustration. "Necromancy? This is the stupidest, the most irresponsible thing either of you has ever done!" He whisper-shouted, but might as well have been shouting at us. "And you, Y/N, really? As if you don't know the risks of normal necromancy in of itself?" He said, scolding me. He taught me the necromancy I knew, which wasn't as much as he knew but it was enough to understand what he was scolding me about. "What would even give you two the idea to do this in the first place? The Monkey's Paw, for Lucifer's sake?" 

I sighed sharply, the world still a bit clouded from what I did earlier this evening. "Harvey was broken, Ambrose. We had to do something," Sabrina spoke. "Yes, and you've messed up the cosmic forces. Some of the most awful, wicked forces to ever exist. Much more powerful than the Dark Lord. I'm talking about literal death, cousins." He said, explaining as if we didn't know. Well, Sabrina didn't know just how much power we have messed with. 

"We followed the ritual to the letter, Ambrose," I promised, hoping he wouldn't look over at the Cain pit. "Then what are you and your friends doing in the Cain pit?" He shouted. Well, that was short-lived. I know that if I explained it, or if either one of us explained the plan, it would look absolutely stupid so I let Sabrina do it. I don't even know why I agreed to do this in the first place, I don't even know how much trouble I had put myself in. 

"The rite demanded that someone die for Tommy to live again. Agatha was that life for a life." She explained it like it was math. "But, the ritual never said that the person had to stay dead." Yeah, because it's assumed that people know this. "Why must you always insist that the universe grant you special privileges?" I honestly don't know. "You've upset the natural order. Do you realize that?" Of course, I realized it. I don't know why I would even volunteer for this, I wanted revenge, yes. But, this is...this is upsetting the natural order. 

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