There's been an accident...

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Brina was sitting on the floor while I was sitting on the couch doing homework. "What did you get for this, Brina?" I asked pointing to a question. "C," She said turning back to the movie. "Bacon, cousins?" Ambrose asked coming into the room and plopping on the couch opposite Brina. "Gross. No." I said looking at it as he gave Salem and Casper some. 

"After the Feast of Feasts yesterday me and N/N agreed, we're both fasting," Sabrina said rolling her eyes. "Well, I'm only half-fasting," I clarified. "I'm at least fasting until later tonight," "Oh? Big plans?" Ambrose asked both of us. "After Harvey's shift, we're going to the movies. I asked Y/N if she wanted to come," Sabrina shrugged. "Why don't you want to go?" Ambrose asked looking at me a little intensely. "I don't wanna ruin their date," I shrugged writing an answer down. "You wouldn't be," Brina looked behind her to me. "See you can say that so easily," Ambrose said putting my legs on his lap. "Soon, Luke and I will be able to do the same." He bragged happily. 

"Fun, but how exactly is that gonna work?" Sabrina asked mirroring my confusion. "Luke has a connection to the High Priest. He's offered to speak with Father Blackwood on my behalf to get my conviction evaluated." Ambrose said looking all smiley. He laughed in delight, "Ambrose, you're so smitten!" I laughed along with him. "I would love to hear about this, but I have to go run a few errands in town so...I will be back. Love you, Brina, and you Ambrose," I said before going out the door. 


I was in the middle of Greendale, going around and picking up supplies for the Academy. I went to go pay for my items when the cashier got a call, "Wonderful, thank you for letting me know. Be safe," He said and ended the call. She started scanning everything, "It's just terrible what happened," She sighed sadly. "Why? What happened?" I said absentmindedly looking at a book I wish I had enough money to buy. "You haven't heard?" She asked placing the items down. I gave her a confused look, "There was an accident at the mines," My heart dropped to my stomach at her words. "What do you mean accident?" I asked frantically. 

"The tunnel collapsed, most of the workers got out but there's still about four or five workers in there that everyone is trying to get out," She said, pinning me with a stare. I dropped my money into my bag, "I need to go. Keep all that," I said as I bolted out the door. 

I made it to the mines and there were police cars everywhere, sirens were filling my ears with chaotic chatter on top of that. "Excuse me? Have you seen Harvey Kinkle?" I asked describing him. "Y/N." I heard from behind me and turned around. I sighed in relief, "Oh, thank Satan. Harvey!" I breathed and ran towards him and hugged him tightly. "Is Sabrina here yet?" I asked not letting go of him. "I don't know-" "Harvey!" Brina said hugging him on top of me. Apparently, we got here at the same time. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She interrogated him. "I'm fine. I'm okay, but guys, Tommy is still in there" He said frantically. 

"Oh, no. No," I said putting a hand on his back. "I need to go back in. I need to get him out of there," "Woah, Woah, hey, Harvey!" I pushed him back down not wanting him to be in any more danger. "Harvey, you look like you are in shock," I added again quickly. "Let's just wait for a bit, let's calm down-" Sabrina said trying to calm him down. "I gotta find my dad," He said walking away from us. "Harvey-" "Sabrina! Y/N!" I heard from the distance. "Is he okay?" Roz asked looking at Harvey. "I don't know," Sabrina said as I tried to find him in the crowd. "He was in the mines when it happened," I said worriedly and shrugging. 

"Oh, my god," Susie said looking everywhere. "We should find a place to start handing out food," Roz said going to a table somewhere. Harvey found his Dad and went to go back to the mines, but where it was safe enough to be. 


Later, everyone had calmed down a bit and the mineworkers were resting and getting their wounds taken care of. Harvey stumbled out of the mine entrance and I stood up to go join Sabrina, "How is it going in there?" I asked shrugging. "Not good." He shook his head. "The borehole their drilling to reach the survivors is too small. And all the guys are too big," He said pointing to the mine entrance. "No one can fit through it, not even me." "Harvey, I-I don't want you going back in there." Sabrina sighed heavily. "Brina, my brother is trapped under all that rock," "I know-" I cut Sabrina off when I saw his hand. "Oh, my gosh. Harvey! You're hand!" I picked it up worriedly. 

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